If you listen to GaryVee at all, you'll know that he's been hammering the importance of LinkedIn right now. LinkedIn today is Facebook 2011. Back when organic reach was a thing and businesses had a real chance of standing out and being seen.
I had the pleasure of having on Tazz Weatherly, a Realtor® from Boise, Idaho, who gets the majority of her real estate business from LinkedIn. Tazz has grown her real estate business from $0 in 2017 to having over six-figure years in 2018 and 2019 (already).
In this week's episode, I talk to Tazz about all sorts of things. Here are some of the highlights:
* What Tazz did P.R.E. (pre real estate)
* The day the universe told Tazz to go into real estate
* What led her to choose LinkedIn as her social media platform of choice
* How and why Tazz started using video on LinkedIn
* How to handle criticism on social media
* When Tazz started getting business from LinkedIn (hint: it was month one)
* How Tazz uses LinkedIn Premium to be proactive about reaching out
* Why Tazz is her authentic self, even on LinkedIn
* When Tazz started to assemble a team to help with content creation
* Is LInkedIn right for you?
* What is the best way to reach out to people on LinkedIn
Tazz is authentic, fun, easy to listen to, and is an open book. She has the right mindset for using social media to get clients (hint: it's a long-term play). Make sure you find Tazz on LinkedIn and YouTube.
As per usual, access the show notes on our website at https://luminaryagent.com/podcast/027.