What stops anyone from being and doing virtually anything of note in their lives is fear.
Today we’re going to look at the 3 major fears that everyone, and I mean everyone, has to face in their life. It’s how you deal with and execute in the face of fear that differentiates between the people who make progress and those who stay stuck or worse still move backward.
Couple of things about fear, firstly, I am not talking about fear of actual physical harm. That is built into everyone through evolution and works automatically for us all. But I’m talking about emotional and psychological fear about the world around us and how we navigate our way through these fears to give us happy and fulfilling lives.
Secondly, I need to emphasize that all these emotional and psychological fears exist in everyone because all of us are human. The people moving forward and building happy and fulfilling lives are not immune to these fears, they feel and have felt these same fears, they have just faced, accepted and found ways through these fears. So, the good news is that if they have done it, you can do it to.