Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,
Welcome to another episode of the Wellness Academy Podcast!
I'm excited to bring you - David Birtwistle!
Fresh off the outstanding success of the new reality tv show “Too Hot To Handle’ on Netflix - I sat down with David a week after the release of the series to chat!
An opportunity to discuss what has helped David become the man he is before the show but also the changes he has made both men tally & spiritually since, David & I discuss;
- the behind the scenes of the series
- the purpose of the show
- what he gained from the experience
- how self awareness gained through the experience has served him well through lockdown
- how he dealt with the lack of freedom
- mindset & how "The Secret" effects training & more
- how to make the best use of our finite amount of focus
- the difficult questions David has asked himself amongst his personal growth
- endeavour life, the food, movement & mindset model
& much much more!!
I know you'll enjoy listening to this one as much as I enjoyed recording it!!
As discussed in the show, head to endeavourlife.com for a free 28 day trial!
Stay in touch with David across social media at @david.birtwistle & with Endeavour Life at @endeavourlife
Stay up to date with all things Wellness Academy by heading to social media & following @wellnessacademysocial & Host Dan at @_realdannyball