The Trailing Spouse is dead – this week on the podcast we talk about why the “Accompanying Spouse” has arrived. I mean the Accompanying Spouse was always a better term wasn’t it? We all walk side by side don’t we? Sidenote – the term Trailing Spouse will no longer be used in the Two Fat Expats Facebook Group with Accompanying Spouse being the preferred term.
We’re also talking Posh and Becks and how no matter how much money you have or how many football teams you own you’re still going to lay awake at night thinking of schools, finding a hairdresser, finding new friends and feeling like a fish out of water.
We also discuss dealing with strong opinions on your host country from people who’ve never lived there. Has social media made it worse?
Kirsty’s three favourite things:
Somewhere in Queens (Movie)
Blackberry (Movie – Amazon Prime)
The Morning Wars/The Morning Show – Season 3
Nikki’s three favourite things:
Silo (television – apple tv)
Getting a giggle from the silent walking trend aka walking
The post The Trailing Spouse is Dead first appeared on Two Fat Expats.