Andy interviews Janna to learn more about the creation of her company BoobyFood! BoobyFood is operated out of Calgary Canada and specializes in freeze drying your breastmilk into a shelf stable powder!
Janna has a background in Kinesiology and Nutrition and became "obsessed" with breastmilk, its properties and building a stash after she had her first child. Her company helps thousands of women preserve their stash for YEARS longer than in the freezer where it can then be used in bottles on-the-go without needed to use freezer bags or sprinkled on top of solids to add extra nutrition and antibodies to your little ones meals!
Want to get your stash freeze dried?!
Here's a link for 20% off orders
the discount code is F45-20
Listen to learn more and follow her at
@ILoveBoobyFood on Instagram!
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@livaligned ( Andy)
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