In this thought-provoking episode, Andy Rotherham and Jed Wallace are joined by Lynne Graziano from Bellwether Education Partners to dive deep into the complexities and inconsistencies of adolescent laws across the United States. Using Bellwether's new "Edge of Seventeen" report as a cornerstone, this discussion covers a wide range of topics from the age of consent and marriage laws to labor rights and education policies.
*Key Topics Discussed:*
- The diversity in state laws regarding age-related permissions.
- Surprising statistics on child labor and marriage.
- The influence of federalism on policy consistency.
- The impact of these inconsistencies on today’s youth.
- The role of schools and education policy in navigating these challenges.
*Episode Highlights:*
- [01:45] Introduction of guest Lynne Graziano and the Edge of Seventeen report.
- [05:30] Discussion on the age of consent and marriage laws.
- [15:00] The role of federal legislation in creating consistency.
- [25:20] How adolescent laws impact education policies.
- [35:45] Viewer Q&A and final thoughts.
*Why Listen?*
This episode is a must-listen for educators, policymakers, parents, and anyone interested in the intersection of youth, law, and education. You’ll gain fresh insights into the often-overlooked area of adolescent policy and its real-world implications.
*Show Notes:*
- Edge of Seventeen Report by Bellwether Education Partners:
- Aspen on cross-partisanship:
• Crossing the Partisan Divide in Educa...
- Reagan Institute conference:
- SD state superintendent race:
- NC state superintendent race:
- Eduwonk musical chairs post:
- Eduwonk musical chairs post:
- Brandon Brown agrees with Andy:
- Travis Pillow agrees with Jed:
Thanks for listening! See you in the next episode of WonkyFolk!