Liz Anderson Peacock is an all around amazing human.
Chiropractor with a diplomate in paediatrics with multiple awards fro serves to the profession and contribution/Coach/Lecturer/International speaker/Philosopher/World traveller/Mother/Grandmother/Amputee.
2 Key issues to look at, worthiness and perfectionism issues around body image.
So many images in the world that are not supporting us to have self belief and love.
Women can have fundamental values and beliefs that tell us we are here to serve others before ourselves. Creates exhaustion and impossible to achieve goals. Leading to a health crisis or other type of crisis in their lives.
Does that need to be perfect, put an unrealistic expectation on you?
How much do you restrict your life waiting to be Perfect?
AND if something is prefect you cannot improve it. Could striving for excellence or mastery which has growth in it be healthier for your mind and body?
Better question than is this perfect, could be, did I do my best in this situation?
Are we making ourself a priority? Do we say NO to others to say YES to ourselves.
What feedback are we getting from the world and what attention we are paying to it.
The journey to becoming an amputee. Finding the surrender to be so much more than a body part to have a part of your body removed.
How an elephant showed the way and shined a light on a pathway toward having the amputation.
The amazing process of setting intention. Gave clarity and certainty.
Focus was on these things: Joy/Grace/Love/Wholeness/Vitality/Freedom/Faith
When arriving at hospital for process song playing that used the exact words from her intention and also nurses whose names were: Grace and Joy!!
This demonstrated that when you let go of expectations and trust that what shows up will be amazing on the other side.
At first the thought of, HOW am I going to do this, then surrender to this, and allow it to come to her.
Amazing process of life after amputation being really full and in fact fuller than before.
Staying conscious so vital.
Times that went ‘unconscious’ and the method of becoming conscious in the moment to see the reality.
Monitor distractions because they can be harmful to us. Let them go and allow things to just come back to you. Release the grip and sense you are in control.
Ask yourself: What is your body is capable of? Is it way more that we think it is.
Becoming an amputee has opened Liz's world to other people and their views. What are the assumptions we make and what is the story of the person?And what kind of love and compassion and care can we show to others and therefore how can we do this for ourselves.
Wholeness as a concept. Where are YOU amputating your life in a way that limits you that makes you feel that you are missing something. Where are we amputating our emotions?
We are so much more than a body part.
We can work toward a better version of themselves if we wish. Can we be more self aware to love ourselves more and the habits that cause the body to not function as well as it can will just fall away.
What are the energies or vibrations that dominate us and determine who we are in the world.
Consistent and repetition on a new behaviour that serves us. What have we hardwired that no longer serves us. What habits do you need to review and unhook to find a new way of beingWhat version of you do you take to any activity you do.
When finding a discomfort in our lives. Take the time to sit in silence with self to really hear the voices and remove the should and could. How do we sit in the discomfort and allow that energy to flow, so that we can find the peace we need to allow support to come into the awareness.
Finding the gratitude for all of...