Spiritual Life and Leadership

179. The Neuroscience of Spiritual Formation, with Jim Wilder, author of Renovated

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Jim Wilder is the author Renovated: God, Dallas Willard, and the Church That Transforms and the resident neurotheologian at Life Model Works.

In this episode, Jim Wilder discusses how we become who we are created to be through the lens of neurotheology.  In other words, what role does your brain play in forming you into the person you were created to be?

And how can an understanding of how the brain works help us develop environments in our churches that nurture deep spiritual formation among our people and help them both become who they were created to be and fulfill the purpose for which they were created?


  • Jim Wilder is the author Renovated: God, Dallas Willard, and the Church That Transforms and the resident neurotheologian at Life Model Works.
  • Jim Wilder explains what a “neuro-theologian” is.
  • Jim Wilder’s book, Renovated, is based on a conference Jim did with Dallas Willard before he passed away.
  • Spiritual maturity and natural maturity are both rooted in relationship and are part and parcel of each other.
  • Attachment love is formed with people who are glad to be with us.
  • Spiritual formation happens as people develop attachment love with one another and with God.
  • Human beings often lose their sense of peace.  To find our way back to peace the brain’s best path is through being thankful.
  • According to Jim Wilder, “mutual mind” (or intersubjectivity) happens when two peoples subconscious processing begins to line up with each other.  Their brains begin to produce the same chemistry, the same thoughts, the same patterns.
  • Jim Wilder asks: Would God give us the capacity for mutual mind and not make use of it himself?
  • Spiritual disciplines create the space where mutual mind with God can develop.
  • According to Jim Wilder, after the Vietnam War, there was a huge professionalization of the clergy, where pastors were now rated on how well they got results in their job, as opposed to developing loving relationships with people.
  • If salvation is about becoming the person God meant us to be—and God was intelligent—then by being exactly who God is creating you to be, you will accomplish what God wants done at the moment.


  • Books mentioned:
    • Renovated: God, Dallas Willard, and the Church That Transforms, by Jim Wilder
    • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, by Peter Scazzero
    • Shame and Grace, by Lewis Smedes
    • Becoming a Face of Grace: Navigating Lasting Relationship with God and Others, by Ed Khouri

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Spiritual Life and LeadershipBy Markus Watson

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