On this episode, we talk with Dots Oyebolu, Client Strategist and Marketing Director at Content Allies, about the best practices in choosing a name for a new B2B podcast.
In B2B podcasting, the name of a show can directly impact your ability to connect with your target audience. Account-based marketing (ABM) podcasts focus on directly engaging with potential customers to drive revenue, and the name should reflect the overarching purpose of your show.
Thought leadership podcasts cater to enterprises seeking to establish themselves as industry leaders, while educational podcasts offer valuable content to customers and prospects alike. These categories often overlap, and companies approach naming their podcasts in ways that boost the ego of their guests and align with their marketing objectives.
Guest scheduling is a crucial aspect of B2B podcasting, and potential guests make quick decisions based on the podcast name. Creating an attractive and appealing podcast name, even if the show is still growing, can significantly boost the interest of high-level guests who seek exposure for their personal or professional brand.
When choosing podcast names, consider how people search within podcast apps rather than on Google. Aim for keywords that potential listeners would use, as well as those that boost ego and align with account-based marketing goals.
Finding a unique podcast name can be challenging, especially when many names are already taken. It's crucial to search podcast directories for active shows with the same name. If a similar name is not actively used, it may still be considered. Additionally, using AI tools like ChatGPT for brainstorming can be highly beneficial during the creative process.
Have a topic you want to see us cover on the podcast? Write to our host at [email protected]
Content Allies helps B2B companies launch revenue-generating podcasts. From startups to Fortune 500s, we have helped some of the world's leading companies build and run profitable podcasts. Contact us for your free podcast consultation at ContentAllies.com
Dots Oyebolu - https://ca.linkedin.com/in/dotsoyebolu
Content Allies - https://www.linkedin.com/company/contentallies/
This episode is brought to you by Content Allies.
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