In this insightful three-part series, we delve into the intricate relationship between the thyroid and cortisol. The first part sheds light on the vital role of the thyroid in our overall well-being, acting as our body's "gas pedal" that drives energy, metabolism, weight management, and more. While conventional thyroid tests typically focus on TSH levels, there is a crucial need to also assess T3 and T4 hormones to truly understand thyroid health.
The second part of this series delves into cortisol regulation, adrenal fatigue, and their connection to autoimmune thyroid disease. Dr. Lori shares a personal journey of developing autoimmune thyroid disease unexpectedly during residency, experiencing various symptoms like thin skin and fruit allergies post-pregnancy, and the subsequent challenges faced. Exploring the complexities of hormone production and conversion processes within the body, attention is drawn to the significance of factors like iodine and cofactors in the creation of active thyroid hormone T3.
Moreover, the discussion highlights common thyroid medications such as levothyroxine (t4) and the limitations posed by poor absorption and the body's capacity to convert T4 to T3. Through this series, valuable insights are shared about the interplay between thyroid function, cortisol levels, and overall health, offering clarity on optimizing thyroid health and understanding the intricate mechanisms governing our body's energy and vitality.