In this 60th transmission, the second of Elan's solo sessions, Elan, as channeled by Andrew delivers the foundation for his unfoldment of his individual messages to us with the idea that "All Is One". We have all heard about the idea of Oneness, but here we get a useful and enlightening elaboration on what this means to us on a more practical level.
Elan reminds us that in addition to its meaning that we are all connected, and "part" of a greater whole. Here we are reminded that even this interpretation presumes that we can ever be separate or disconnected which would necessitate that we need then to be "re-connected".
We are reminded that everybody and everything are already a direct expression of one event, one simultaneous, multidimensional and eternal event. We are reminded that our oneness is actually our starting point, not our destination.Understanding this allows us to realign to the fact that EVERYTHING is a direct expression of and from us [you]. When we begin to BE this idea, we begin to experience that the reality that we believe that we exist within, actually exists within us. He compares our version of this spiritual emergence is like waking up from a dream. Once we begin to express the knowingness of Oneness, we begin to see how everything fits and nothing is extraneous, and everything truly part of our process.We believe that Elan's entire messages to us over the next year were delivered purposefully and crafted with the knowledge of their synchronicity, with an absolute intentional choreography. This results in the ideas building in a structured way upon a firm and fundamental foundation.
This session is the foundation for all future sessions to come, and we're all hearing it in perfect timing. This information is always a purposeful expression of synchronicity and all the information is holographic. Therefore, its always exactly what we near to hear, exactly when we need to hear it. Pay attention to how all of these sessions apply to you in perfect timing. And enjoy!
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at: