Are you having these problems?
- lacking faith that The Universe is supporting you and wants wonderful things for your life
- wanting things but feeling like you don’t get what you want
- not trusting yourself to make the right decision
- feeling like you keep missing out
- people show up that don’t believe in your or your idea
- desperately asking others for advice when you're in a bad place
- not knowing what will serve your greater good and then greater good of those involved
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What is your intuition and why should you care about it because there is a huge problem when you are not tapped into your intuition and how to tune into your intuition
Intuition is not about predicting the future or being psychic or having some special power. Your intuition is simply your inner guidance system which is your connection to Source Energy - the unconditionally loving energy — otherwise known as The Divine, guiding you towards your next best steps.
Tapping into your intuition is as simple as "FEELING"
You often don’t pay attention to how you feel. It’s a learned condition. From a young age you have sought approval from others, instead of listening to your intuition. You continue this cycle: think about how many times have you implied to a child “Listen to me, I know best”. This tells the child that they cannot trust their own intuition.
The most important thing to remember about your intuition is that it is always there guiding you. There is no moment in your life when your intuition stops working. So the question you should be asking yourself is: “If my intuition is always ‘On’, then’Why don’t I hear it?’”
To follow your intuition, your first steps are simply to notice your emotions and understand how you feel — immediately. Your feelings will help you determine what your intuition is telling you.
Notice any discomfort or dis-ease in your body when you focus on a thought. If you feel joy or love then you are following your intuition. If you feel scared or worried then work out what betrayal thought patterns are holding you back from feeling love. Shift yourself out of those thoughts and allow yourself to open up to joy and love so that you can hear your intuition.
Too often you only see yourself through the eyes of others. This sacrifices your full connection to your inner being, so you don’t feel complete. When you replace your intuition with other people’s opinions, it causes you suffering. This is your intuition telling you that you are out of alignment with Source Energy.
You understand that you can control your mindset, therefore you can control your attention. When you want to listen to your intuition, you simply have to give your attention to your emotions. From here you can get into alignment with your higher self.
The more you stay focused on how you feel, choosing to feel love and joy, the easier it is for you to stay tuned in to your intuition with real clarity.
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