In this episode, Mike Crusco joins Savannah as they discuss the newest universal screener in Virginia-the Virginia Language and Literacy Screener (VALLSS).
While the statewide universal screener, PALS, certainly needed to be updated, there are still several problems with the new screener that need to be addressed. This episode is specific for the Virginia assessment, but is useful for all educators as many states are passing literacy acts with specific requirements.
In this episode, Savannah and Mike discuss:
- What VALLSS is and how it has changed from PALS,
Why VALLSS is NOT a universal screener, despite the claim that it is,Why the information is useful but not necessary,and what we hope will change.Mike and Savannah both believe that the Virginia Literacy Act and VALLSS were created in good faith, but there are places we can and should improve.
If you're a teacher in Virginia, this is a must-listen. If you're a teacher outside of Virginia, use this episode to guide you in the future as new legislation comes through wherever you live!