Hi there, it’s Gillian here from https://DailyKetoMeals.com.
Today, you’ll discover the 10-minute keto dinner tip.
Do you struggle to find time to cook dinner?
Me too.
There’s a great way to whip up a healthy and delicious keto dinner in 10 minutes.
Here’s how:
Bake chicken or fish in the oven and steam vegetables in the microwave.
Let me break this technique down for you:
While the oven preheats, chop vegetables into large pieces (things like broccoli and cauliflower) and put them in a bowl with 2cm of water. Cover it with cling film.
If you microwave the veggies on high for 3-4 minutes, they’ll be done.
No saucepans. No boiling water. It’s much faster.
Once the oven’s preheated place frozen fish or chicken into the oven.
After the meat is cooked serve up the steamed veggies and any other vegetables you want.
The full length of time might be 30 minutes but it only requires 10 minutes of ACTIVE work from you.
Once the meat is in the oven and the veggies are in the microwave, you work is done.
This is a great way to eat healthy when you don’t have time.
If you enjoyed this tip and want more keto and weight loss strategies, then go to https://DailyKetoMeals.com