Welcome to Dive Into Reiki With... an interview series that explores the journeys of high-profile Reiki teachers & practitioners. Hosted by Nathalie Jaspar.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Dive Into Reiki's mission is to bring information that allows Reiki practitioners from all over the world to deepen their practice. Although this information is shared freely on my platforms, all content is tied to copyrights. Please do not repurpose or translate these interviews without previous authorization.
Originally from the Netherlands, Fokke Brink came into contact with Reiki in 1984 and was initiated as a master in 1987 by Phyllis Lei Furumoto, Mrs. Takata's granddaughter. He had many questions about the Reiki system's background and elements and started his journey to find answers, traveling to Japan and meeting with many masters of different spiritual practices. This journey gave him a deep understanding of the roots of Reiki and how to use these in everyday life. He studied in Oomoto, Kameoka, Japan, the traditional arts like Aikido, Tea ceremony, Calligraphy, Seal carving, Noh Drama, and Pottery. He gained further experience in Calligraphy, working with the Zen Abbot Eido Tai Shimano Roshi in Dai Bosatsu Mountain Monastery in Upstate NY, and will be sharing a beautiful video of painting the Reiki kanji and explaining the meaning of the different strokes.
Here are the videos of the drawing of the kanji and its explanation.
- Fokke drawing the Reiki kanji
- Fokke explaining the strokes of the Reiki kanji
You can contact Fokke on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fokke.brink
Or via email: [email protected]
Nathalie Jaspar, founder of Dive Into Reiki, is a Reiki master with over a decade of experience. She’s a graduate teacher from the International House of Reiki, led by world-renowned Reiki master Frans Stiene. She also trained with the Center for True Health and the International Center for Reiki. To gain an even deeper understanding of Reiki practice, Nathalie went to Japan to practice Zen Buddhism at the Chokai-san International Zendo. She is the author of Reiki as a Spiritual Practice: an Illustrated Guide and the Reiki Healing Handbook (Rockridge Press).
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