Welcome to Cloudlandia

Ep116: Creating Conversations That Drive Business Forward

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Today on Welcome to Cloudlandia, we explore the effectiveness of small gatherings and the meaningful conversations that can be had through them. We talk about how small workshops help establish a richer exchange where each voice can fully engage.

We examine the nuanced difference between self-promotion and truly understanding clients, inspired by Walter Payton's philosophy of emphasizing outcomes over features. Entrepreneurs rethink their approach after test-driving innovative thinking tools highlighting benefits.

Later, we unpack exercises that optimize communication and outcomes. The 'who, not how' focus and 'self-milking cow' concept streamline processes.



  • Dean explores the influence of group size on workshop conversation quality and how smaller groups encourage more unified discussions.
  • A new thinking tool inspired by Walter Payton is discussed, which prompts entrepreneurs to emphasize outcomes and benefits in their market presentation.
  • We touch on the importance of 'field reports' over 'book reports' for showcasing tangible, real-world business success stories.
  • Personal testimonials from entrepreneurs highlight the Strategic Coach program's transformative effects on both their personal lives and businesses.
  • Dean shares insights on achieving "dream come true" outcomes for clients, stressing the importance of being genuinely interested in clients' experiences.
  • A health practitioner's journey is spotlighted, from selling a low-cost ebook to offering a comprehensive service for reversing type 2 diabetes.
  • The concept of the 'self-milking cow' and the 'who, not how' approach is examined for improving efficiency in lead generation and client relationship management.
  • Initial success stories from the real estate division's accelerator program demonstrate the practical results of innovative business models.
  • Dan shares his personal health journey with stem cell therapy and neurofeedback, noting improvements in cognitive function and overall wellness.
  • We discuss the role of blockchain and smart contracts in protecting intellectual property, with a nod to Dean's experiences after returning from Argentina.
  • Links:


    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Dean: Mr Sullivan. Ah, mr Jackson, welcome back to.

    Dan: Cloudlandia. The world is still going on as it was before.

    Dean: It was the best times it was. Mr Times, welcome back. You've been expanding your footprint on the planet.

    Dan: I have. I have yeah, I've got to do something about that. I'm maybe a new pair of shoes or something like that. Yeah, we were at Genius in Scottsdale and then we were in Chicago for a week and we did the smaller free zone workshop, which is different because you know, it was about 20. We had about 20 and it's very interesting. I've never really quite figured out what is the optimal size group where you get the best conversation but it's just different. You get different kinds of conversations. I agree, yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Dean: I find out with my breakthrough. Blueprint events same thing, Like.

    what I find is 12 is the maximum size If you want to have one conversation. We're around one boardroom table, everybody could see the whites of everybody's eyes and keeping the conversation all front and center. When you get even to 14 people, you get into a situation where you end up having fractured conversations. You got a conversation over at this end of the table and it's less. Yeah, it's harder to have a breakout conversation in a small group of 10 or 12 than it is in 14 or 16 or 20.

    Dan: Yeah, very interesting. Yeah, we push for the 40 to 50, and then we have individual breakout groups throughout the day and make sure it depends on what your objective is. I think with your case it's very important that they get a unified sort of understanding of the eight profit maximizers.

    Dean: Activators.

    Dan: Yeah, activators, yeah, I think you should make a maximum, since you're going for profit anyway, I think you that's right.

    Dean: Yeah, that's exactly right.

    Dan: You're putting in the work. You're putting in the work anyway.

    Dean: That's the advanced program.

    Dan: We'll start out with the activators yeah, yeah, first they learn the activators where they're again. We just gave you 50 more years of future, just in a single conversation.

    Yeah, I tried out two new tools and the thinking tools in the free zone workshop and one of them really had a big impact and it's from a quote from Walter Payton, who is a very famous, running back in the national football league Hall of Fame, chicago Bears and he had and I heard this about seven, eight months ago Reddit and it has just kept bouncing around in my head and usually when that happens over a period of months, I'm supposed to do something with the thought and the thought is when you're good, you tell everybody. When you're great, everybody tells you.

    Dean: Right, that's very good, and so I like that yeah.

    Dan: And I came up with a one page layout structure where they can put in certain experiences, and but you know, I had them do. One was when you're good, what do you tell them? And then the other column was when you're great, what do they tell you?

    And then we had a brainstorm for two minutes each for each column and they wrote down about five things on one and five things down on the other and the statements were starkly different. They were for me. I did the sample copy and they were starkly different. Yeah, and I wonder what you think about that, because I haven't really put names to what's happening there.

    But, it seems to me that, first of all, we're using our experience on the left hand side, which is the good side, as a contrast to the great side, and we're saying this is what we do and this is how we present it, and this is the steps that you'll go through, and this is this. These are the names of the tools that you're going to be using.

    Dean: But on the other side.

    Dan: They're completely different and they the comments they come back or how they've taken the tools and used them and what they've done to their life.

    Dean: That's my initial thought, that I think that on the left side the good side I think that people would tend to focus on features of what they and on the right side would be reporting of benefit. I think that's a good. That's probably accurate, that they're talking in terms of results and the left side would be talking about the process and result, ideas and outcomes. I think you could have a whole vocabulary of left and right.

    Dan: Very interesting, because what I did then is pick the three best from both sides, so there's a little lower column and they pick the three best. I says you can rewrite them based on your first draft, your first draft and now you do a second draft. And then I say I'd like you to go to the triple play sheet and see if you can combine left and right in three of the arrows. That starts the triple play.

    And they did. And then they go through the pink boxes and then they go through the green boxes and then they go into breakout groups and they talk about. They came back and to a person when we got back they said I've got to completely rethink how we're presenting ourselves in the marketplace.

    Dean: Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? The whole when you start looking at it's a difficult thing for people to think about presenting outcomes or the benefits of promised land, the destination, and especially if you are at the hypothesis stage that you're projecting what the results, the intended results, are, compared to reporting on the documented, actual results. That's whether it's a theory or a real thing. I think that's probably part of when you're good, when you think you've got an idea that some outcome is going to be and you think that this process is what's going to get the outcome, and you have to, you know, hype that up a little bit to get people excited or in intellectually involved in the idea that this outcome is possible, which is very different than a field report. I call it often difference. We use the term of book reports versus field reports and yeah, but he's got, a field report is an actual, documented, here's what happened on the outcome kind of thing as opposed to. I think if we go this way, we'll get the results in theory. My calculations tell me.

    Dan: Yeah, what was interesting was people zeroed in on your statement and it was mentioned two or three times that the left hand side, where you're telling your good story, it's a convincing argument. The right hand side, it's a compelling offer.

    Dean: Yes, that's the. That's exactly it. That was my thought. Yeah, that's why I say that is that a compelling offer is 10 times more powerful than a convincing argument, and that's when you're at the level when you're at the level where you can make a compelling offer is because you have certainty around it.

    Right, that's what's compelling. I think I was thinking about that a lot like the guessing and betting is that when you're what you're trying to, if you're focused on the left side, the good side you're trying to present enough convincing arguments to get people to place a bet on there but they're the one you're trying to get them to place the bet, and that's the whole purchase order versus receiving doc.

    analogy of that you're going to the purchasing department trying to get them to write and fund a purchase order to get a future delivery of a result or an outcome, whereas if you were able to go to the delivery, you're able to go to the receiving doc with the results that you're met with open arms. It's interesting, right? That's a yeah. Chris Rock, the comedian, once said about crack nobody sells crack, crack sells itself. You got some crack in your mouth. People will be knocking on your door at three in the morning.

    Dan: You don't have to go out in the cell. Yeah, oh man yeah, the sample does the selling.

    Dean: That's exactly right. That is exactly right yeah. Yeah, and I think that's really the thing when you look at the. What was the? What was some of the highlights of the great side?

    Dan: What were some of the highlights that stood out, or even yeah, I was just thinking because I was a genius network last when in not this past Friday and Saturday, but the week before and. I didn't have any presentation during the during the two and a half days. Yeah, that was I was streaming, by the way, yeah and. But I was running in the hallway when we were out on breaks. I was running into strategic coach clients who've been in the program for 20, 25 years, but this is the first time I've met them because, they've had other coach.

    They've had other coaches and at least three of them came up to me and they almost had tears in their eyes. I said I just want to tell you this has transformed every part of my life.

    Dean: Wow.

    Dan: Just being in the coach Wow. And I talked to them where they were before they came in the coach and what the difference was as a result of going to the workshops and and it was pretty, pretty steady throughout the two days when I was just out wandering, when there was, someone else would be with them and they'd say things like this saved my life and everything like that. And I was just noticing but I really didn't tell the other person what strategic coach was, except that it had a transformative effect.

    And I think the there's another thing. We I talked about convincing argument and compelling offer, but I think the other thing is that on the left, you're aiming for a transaction. On the right, you're hearing about a transformation. Yes, agreed, yeah, yeah, that's. And I told people that if you don't, if you don't have anything that you can think of, that you would write down. On the right hand side, on the great side, I said marketing isn't your problem.

    Dean: Yeah, that's exactly right. You've got to be able to. You've got to, and once you're able to document the outcome, that's what. That's funny, because that's exercise number one that we do. I have a breakthrough blueprint starting tomorrow at celebration, and one of the way the first thing we start out is with the dream come true on both ends. We define the equation as what would be the dream come true for you. First off, what is it that you're looking to build? What do you really want from your business here?

    Let's start with that, and what are you really good at? I get to get people to strip away the goggles that they've been looking through of their existing business. This is what typically they get caught in. That left side of this is what we do, but I say I was trying to get them to think we're talking about new.

    Now. We're talking about business, new business that you haven't already done. So what are you capable of right now? That's why I say that people like what is it? What's the best thing that you could do for somebody? If they would just get out of the way and let you do it for them Without not what you can convince them to pay for or not what you can constrain through the current delivery system that you have in place, just what is what's the best outcome that you could create for somebody would be a dream come true for them and then who?

    would that person have to be? And that's where we then segue that into profit activated number one, which is select a single target market.

    Dan: It's really interesting that and that's another distinction. Taking what you just said and going back and looking at the when you're great, when are you great tool, if you died and people showed up at your funeral, which side would they talk about? Yeah, I went through Jesus. I went. He told me about all sorts of profit act. It was really great. I'm not sure it did him any good. We're at his funeral so.

    I don't know if it did take any good, yeah, but I just think that one thing that it requires for you to fill in the right hand side, the great side is that you, first of all, you have to be interested in what people's outcomes are. You have to be interested in what their actual experience is there and you have to take them seriously. You're getting real market research?

    Dean: Yes, yeah, that's why I say this is. It's amazing to see what people talk about when they imagine the best thing they could do for somebody. What they're capable of is far more than what they're currently offering to people, and it's so funny because that's the way that their business is set up is to. Their delivery pipes are calibrated for what they think they can convince people to pay for. It's not anything to do with what the outcome is. It's very interesting to me to see this play out again and again, because people light up when they get into describing the outcomes, because that question demands an outcome. It's not about what's your best, what's your process, it's about. That's why I say what's the best thing that you could deliver for somebody? The dream come true experience for them. That would be that you're capable of what's the best result you could deliver, and it's amazing to see that people are often there.

    We went from had one conversation with a Health practitioner who was doing they had a real protocol for reversing type 2 diabetes and they were selling a $17 Eba about it right, like trying to get people, and I was saying how could you? What would be the best thing that you could do for somebody if you could Charge $17,000 for it, what would be? What it's not knowing the protocol, it's complying with the protocol, is the issue right? And if you could deliver the result, if you could reverse their diabetes in spite of them? That's where the real Thing would you know. And where I got that was I had read at that time, I had finished reading, I think it's Alan Dyke world had a great book called change or die. And Did you ever read that book?

    Dan: doesn't rain. A bell no.

    Dean: Oh, it was very interesting. I give you the short kind of summary version of it that the premise of the book is if your life depended on you changing, do you think that you could make a change? And and yeah, the evidence says no. The evidence says no where you can't and the evidence that they used. They took different scenarios, one of which was heart patients, cardiac patients, people who have just had bypassed surgeries, and you would think like that's a life or death situation, that People you've had it and I'm sure the doctor says you listen, you need to Straighten up here and fly right. You need to change your ways or you're gonna die and they go back and some crazy number like 80 plus percent of people who have had bypass surgeries One year later have made no significant changes in their lifestyle. And it's it was very interesting.

    So Dean Ornish created a protocol where he convinced mutual of Omaha to Divert cohort of people who were eligible for bypass surgery that the insurance would pay for, which at the time was Over a hundred thousand dollars for per patient to have that. So he diverted them into an intervention program where they sequestered them for 30 days and controlled every ounce of food that went in there in their body. They had access to counseling and group work and Meditation and stress management and yoga and physical therapy all of these things. Starting stripping back to just really addressing the why, the issue of why are they doing? The behaviors that led to this, this issue and the average after the 30 days result was an average weight loss of 28 pounds, of reduction in the angina by 96%.

    People who couldn't climb a flight of stairs were walking Two miles. This whole complete turnaround of Things in 30 days. And then at 30 days, they sent them home with access to a chef and a personal trainer and counseling and group you know, group counseling as well for a year and then they were on their own after the year and At the end of three years, 77% of the people had Maintained the changes that they made in the in the program because they built the change from the inside out and Also from the outside in. At the same time, it was they were removed from the environment that made their bad decisions and took their Took willpower out of the equation, took the other things, that just totally immersion for 30 days where they saw the benefit of the things without having the white knuckle the.

    Willpower to comply with the protocols. I thought, man, that's very interesting, because that's the same thing that happens in any type of Change. Right, that was just a really good, that was just a really good example of it. Can you see the same thing?

    Dan: my approach. Yeah yeah, my approach would be different. They won't make a change if they don't have a new future. That's bigger than what the life that they've been leading. So that must happen. That must happen in the test that they In the vision. They envision themselves almost acquiring a new capability by making the change that creates a bigger future.

    It's really interesting in the political campaign. I'm just looking at it and it's driving the Striving. The journalist is driving the pollsters, is driving one side of the political spectrum. Absolutely crazy that With Trump you have at least four indictments which the Prosecutors are hoping him to put him in jail there by making them in there eligible for the election next year. But actually there's nothing in the Constitution that says that's true, doesn't say you can't be under indictment and get elected president of the United States.

    But the other thing is that his numbers keep going up with each new indictment and they can't comprehend that and because on their side of the party and indictment would be the end of your career.

    And they're trying to figure out why an indictment on his side the other thing is, as far as I can tell, the president Biden right now is Trying to get us to believe that things are really good. Things are really good and that Biden economics has Really been a breakthrough for the United States. It's just that when people don't go to the grocery store, they don't feel that way when they go to the gas station. They don't feel that way.

    And and that their line seems to be. Who you gonna believe? Are you gonna believe us or you gonna believe your own line? I the nearest. Are you gonna believe here? And but what Trump says is mega, make America great again. Let's make a great again yeah, and it just seems to be to me a more compelling offer. Then, yeah, things are better than you've ever had them before. It just seems to be a better offer.

    Yeah, one seems to be a tempt at a convincing argument and the other one is a compelling offer and part is a lot of American yeah, I think his whole thing that if you stack it up, it is all.

    Dean: Let's talk it out. Think about that. Is that what's happening on the left side and the right side? No no correlation between left and right politically.

    Dan: Yeah.

    Dean: I just. Coincidentally, it turns out that Trump's Big things are all compelling offers. Make America great yeah. Build the wall America first him. Drain the swamp yeah. Those are all outcomes that are Compelling in themselves.

    Dan: Let's prevent China from cheating us and soft the way we've been yeah let's stop the endless wars, the endless wars and Everything. And he's just picking up and I think he's operating on the right side of the First of all is he's operating on the great side because he's got to work great and there's as compelling offer make make America and just you.

    Dean: I was gonna say you talk about great. I saw an interview where he was. They were pressure him into picking a side between Ukraine and Russia, like who's in the wrong? This was prior to Israel and I'm not same kind of thing and his answer was I want people to stop dying. That what a great like Car right it's. I want people to stop dying. They're killing themselves, they're killing each other. That's yeah.

    Dan: Yeah yeah, and it just struck me that they are making up stories on the left-hand side About, about he's a dictator and he's appealing to the worst instincts of the American people and everything like that. But my real sense is he's speaking a completely different language that people on the left don't understand. They, they, they talk, and it's the difference between Talking about efficiency and talking about effective. You know they'll say, well, we're doing things more efficiently than we were before. Yeah, it's just that you're doing things more efficiently that we don't really want.

    Dean: Right.

    Dan: Yeah that's. I'm glad you're making yourself feel good about what you're doing, but nothing that you're doing really makes us feel good. And anyway, I just find it find it interesting that one of them has a greater grasp of what people's experience.

    Dean: Actually, is yes, yeah, that's, yeah. That's a pretty, it's a compelling exercise actually. Get a great have a great, a great outcome. So what, then, is the action from that? What? What's the? Yeah, when you presented that as an exercise, to what end? What's the next? What's the?

    Dan: the I made it like got my results in the go-around when we were wrapping up the exercise because every person in the room said I've got some redesign To do in terms of our message and what we're actually doing to generate great site commenter. Are we doing the things that would generate that, the same thing as I think one side is doing and the other side is being on the one side, you're describing what you're going to be doing with them and on the other side.

    You're going to describe how you're going to experience as Result of going through the protocol as we are going to know what would be an example of people having completed the Profit activator, so you're later. What would be some of the things that they would say a year later?

    Dean: Yeah, so certainly my, I have. I have an engine that delivers leads for a. I've generated a thousand new prospects from a book that I wrote and as a download, and then on the lead conversion Process that they're they've, they're collaborating with people at a higher level in terms of the delivering the outcomes for people, opening up a whole new who now, I'm excuse me, who, not how opportunity up like a perfect example that we're going through right now in our real estate division is I have, excuse me, all of the things that that people can do to get certain outcomes. Everything that we talk about is tied to a, a key metric, a deliverable outcome for people, and so I went through and looked at each of the outcomes that we're delivering, meaning, let's say, for getting referrals and repeat business. Our key metric for that is that we manage their relationship portfolio for a 20% annual yield.

    So our thing is that they have a hundred and fifty people that know them, like them, trust them, and that they should be able to generate 30 transactions from that outcome now I went through and looked at all the things on the left side that you have to do to get that and I started looking at it from the self milking cow a the who, not how, way of what. If we were responsible for helping them, that kind of the Jordan Peterson model, right adapted for this Situation. What would we do if we were responsible for helping them? And I started realizing there's very little that requires them. I could do Under with our team. We could do do almost everything for them and the things that we can't do could be done in 130 minute phone call a week with a coach. And so we could, from that 30 minute milking session, get all the milk that we need to pasteurize and turn into the products.

    We could Identify who their top 150 are.

    We could get them set up in there in their go agent CRM. We could we have the world's most interesting postcard that we could print and mail To all of their people. We can create a Google map that drops a pin when all of their top 150 are and then each week we could have a conversation with them and say, dan, who are you showing houses to this week? Who are you going to see about selling their house this week and we could look on the map and See if you're showing houses in the beaches. You could look and see okay, I've got four people in my top 150 that live in the beaches in the certain neighborhoods where I'm going. If there's a townhouse complex, say Riverrun, we could send an Email or a text to those four people and say hey, dan, I'm showing houses in Riverrun this week and there's only a couple for sale right now. Have you heard anybody Talking about selling? Maybe we can match them up with this couple for a job bro or whatever it is, just do market making activities.

    So, those things alone, we could do all of the work and I went through for all of the outcomes getting referrals, multiplying your listings, converting leads, finding buyers and getting listings.

    Those are the, the bankable results that we, that we focus on and I identified that we can literally do every piece of it, and since I've started describing that to people, we just launched our accelerator program in November and I've been positioning it as a personal trainer. Like working with a personal trainer, where you will meet with you once a week, except, unlike working with a personal trainer, we're gonna do the sit-ups and you're gonna get the six pack. That's really, that's a compelling offer, right?

    Yeah we'll do the sit-ups you get. The six pack is as compelling an offer as we can make. And so we're now six weeks. Six weeks into that proof Certainly proof that life's not fair, exactly. So we're six weeks in and it's very, but it's really. We're positioning it as a combination of Really super skilled virtual assistant who's actually gonna do the work, compared to a coach who just tells you what to do but it's not gonna do it for you. So it's really all that sweet spot. But even then, dan, it's still getting everything set up and going through things I said so much of it is just about Getting things into orbit.

    Like once the systems are set up and once the things are in place, it's much easier. But you have to go through this, the van Allen belt, where you're getting pummeled with meteorites and space junk and Fear, and there's all these thoughts that that people have because it's new to them and they're good, everything they've got to make sure everything fits with their brand, and there there's a lot of questions and then what's gonna happen and all of that, that stuff. But very already people are getting Results. We'd send some may, sent out their first world's most interesting postcard, got a eight hundred thousand dollar listing and as a referral and then sold that person another house. I'll all and closed it all in this first six weeks. Somebody else did. Some of the listing multipliers had an open house.

    Mm-hmm found a buyer for that house and so it all works. It's just the getting understanding what those the bankable results are, what the outcomes are.

    Dan: Yeah, the interesting thing I did another tool in addition to the when are you great, and it's called crucial ABC questions and what you do as you have people brainstorm, growth problems. In other words, there they have a real opportunity for growth, but there's a problem and and you have them do that for a couple minutes and they can do it in their personal life, they can do it in their business life, whatever suits them. And Then you ask them take each of the growth problems and you ask them three questions, abc.

    And a is there any way I can solve this problem by doing nothing? And the answer is usually no, they have to. They have to communicate something. They have to. They have to communicate. Maybe it's a decision they have to make and and, but that clarifies them that it's a lot simpler than them, because when you hear about problem, this is gonna is gonna require a lot of time.

    There's gonna require a lot of effort and I'm already doing a lot of things and now I got a selfless problem. But if you ask the first question, is there any way that the problem can solve itself? All of a sudden, it clarifies your thinking down to a very simple level and then the question be, as what's the least that I will have to do to solve this problem?

    Dean: Okay, and again.

    Dan: It refines what you came up with. Question a and. I have to communicate, what's the fastest way I communicate and to whom? And in such a way, that's it for me, then I don't have to do anything, I just have to communicate. I just have to communicate one thing. And then the third question, which I think I'm gonna see what your response to it is who's the? Who can do my least?

    Dean: I Agree with that a hundred percent. That fits now neatly with a tool. I've been working on that's. I've been calling three L's and Whenever we're not getting something done, it usually falls into three Categories.

    It's either a logic problem, meaning we don't know what to do. That's so we got to figure out. Do you know what to do about this Situation? And then, if you do know what to do, the next thing is a logistics Problem. Do you know how to do this or what actually needs to be done, what are the sequential steps? And I like that idea of what's the least that you can do logistically to get this handle and if you know what to do, and and you know what needs to be done and how it needs to be done. The third is Olympic problem that there's some emotional block, something that you're not taking action because your thinking is off on this, and that is watered down From I heard somewhat Andrew Tate. Actually, I heard a thing he talked about. There's only three reasons that he was using Broke, the only. There's only three reasons you're broke it's either lazy, arrogant, or You're lazy, stupid or arrogant and I thought those are like down the emotional words all the way up to 11.

    But I started looking at it that if you take stupid as the dialing the thing is Yours.

    Dan: As much easier to take your three else as much easier to take and the reason is you can be a perfectly good person, intelligent person, a creative person, but you don't understand the logic of the situation.

    That's perfectly acceptable and you don't know the logistics yeah you don't know what the logistics and the limbic one is. You hadn't thought about it, but now that you bring up the topic, yeah, there is an issue. Yeah, I'll give you a really great example of that. We had a Prezone client about three or four years ago and he came up with a great technological breakthrough in the medical industry that allowed, using virtual reality, allows students and medical colleges to experience every organ and his case it was the face and the head because he was.

    He was a cosmetic surgeon and he and he and instead of seeing that as a two-dimensional illustration in Textbook, they put gone goggles and they actually walked into a room. That was the inside of the organ and then it had 17 different elements to it that spoke to you when you put a laser beam on. So he had laser beam, he was at his oculus you know oculus flies around and then he had a laser beam and when he talked to it would explain itself and then it would say how it was connected to another thing in the organ and he could just go in 360 degrees and the whole the organ would announce itself to us. It would describe itself to him and the. He showed it to medical schools and they went Gaga. He showed it to technological companies and they went Gaga and.

    Anyways, that's where he was when he demonstrated it to us in free zone. And then, 90 days later, I came back and I said how's it going? You got, have you launched with anything? He says nah, there's, there's some, some issues. I haven't started out yet and Anyway, and I couldn't see how any of the issues would relate to being successful in the marketplace. All you have to do is walk somebody through it. It's crack, right, show them, show it to them right, have them just go through and it sells itself.

    So then 90 day, another 90 days, so we're a half a year down the road and we're talking you still. I said I had to chat to you about this and he said I said yeah, I said let me take a, let me take a, you know, let me guess what I think your problem is here. And yeah, he says okay. I said it's okay for you to split half of what you've earned up until now, but it's not okay to split 50% of the future. And he said yeah, that's exactly it. And I said how long have you known that this day was coming? And he said 17 years. And I said okay, that's good, you're practiced at it.

    And I said so if it's three years from now and nothing's changed, is that okay for you? And he says no, it's not. I said two years, no. I said one year, no. I said next 90 days and he said no. I got him down to two weeks and he started everything in motion the first week after the program. And that's a. That's a that might be all three. Three packed into one.

    Dean: It's the progression right, like it's usually. It is the way you just described, that's it's Olympic thing and that clarity, once you really understand that, that's the big and it gets you. That's more like you can walk through then what the action is.

    Dan: But you realize that yeah, yeah, but I don't like that notion of stupidity and lazy. There's lots of reasons people are broke. They're not Exactly.

    Dean: And that's what I said in. The noble thing of the lazy is really that it could fall down into that they don't know the logistics of what to do or they're busy is a very noble thing that they would go into, that they're too busy, and then that's what I did is that's how I dialed them down to logic.

    Dan: Yeah, I try making a. I find moral insults never work.

    Dean: Absolutely. That's exactly right and that's where, when you break it down clinically like that, the logic, logistics and limbic, those are the.

    Dan: Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, I think you got a winner.

    Dean: We'll put that up there with VCR formula. That's good.

    Dan: You got a winner. Have you gotten a smart contract on the two of them yet?

    Dean: No.

    Dan: I have not. Yeah, you should give Kerry Oberbrunner a call. He can have them date stamped today. Call him. Call him and he'll, just within 24 hours, he'll give you a black chain smart contract, both of them.

    Dean: I like it.

    Dan: Yeah, I like it. That way nobody will be able to steal break into the season's Valhalla and steal your latest ideas.

    Dean: It's all happening right here. Yeah, the idea lab at the four seasons, valhalla.

    Dan: They'll probably just take off over the golf course and you wouldn't be able to track them down.

    Dean: That's right, exactly so funny. Are you in Toronto for a while now, or what's your First a?

    Dan: week, and then we're back to Buenos Aires next Saturday.

    Dean: We go back to Buenos Aires another week. How's your new knees?

    Dan: The knee, we were told takes six months for the missing cartilage to regrow. So they said you won't really feel a difference for three months after we did it, so we're a month away, but I will tell you the IV that we did for RAIN, where they put stem cells into our brain is noticeable progress.

    I really will notice the difference and it shows up in another sort of therapy that I'm doing, which is neuro potential, and I think I've described this to you and I do it once a week when I'm here, and I've done it three times since I came back from Argentina, and what it is that they put sensors on my hip 19 sensors, and it's like a net. We're, we're, you have to go to do that again Right at Alan Expressway in Shepherd. It's just above and I had to check whether I needed a passport or I need right extra oxygen with me or shot, yeah, yeah.

    Dean: And they told me.

    Dan: No, yeah, they told me they probably advanced, and they. You can just Come from the beaches to that area now without any worry, you can actually do it without worry now. And but what it is? It's 40 minutes I've done. I had done 30 in the last year and showed noticeable progress.

    And I'll tell you what the progress is that I've been diagnosed with a backward brain OK, and I've been doing a backward being that in the middle of the night I'm doing creative, productive work that I should be doing in the middle of the day, yeah, and in the middle of the day I am attempting to dose and and that would probably be one of the reasons why Adderall was a very attractive drug for me, because it woke me up Over a long period of time has negative effects on your nervous system.

    So anyway, I came back and here's how it goes, dean, when you go through the 40 minutes, probably five, six times, the screen will go black and the sound goes out, even though the movie keeps going on. So you're watching a favorite movie. I chose Foils War really whopping good British production from 15 years ago, about a homicide detective who is solving murders during the Second World War. So that's called Foils War, and he's getting resistance from higher officials because there's dodgy dealing going on with higher officials in the British government that are wealthy people who are trying to protect themselves.

    So anyway, it's very grossing, and usually five, six times during the 40 minute period the screen will go black and then what happens is you don't have to do anything, your brain just notices that things have gone dark, the sound's gone off, it was correct, it was the input back. So it's a constant feedback. And then you get better at it. And then the technician you have a technician sitting with you and she, they're all she's. She will increase the difficulty for next time and that's gone out now for about 30, 30 sessions. Before I went to Argentina and, and really noticeable results, when I do intelligence test, mental test, you can see the difference. That's actually done it and now mostly so. Anyway, I come back a week after we got back I went to my first session and I go 40 minutes and no blackouts and no, no loss of sound, and I get to the end of the session. Now these technicians are very rigorously connected that they give human feedback for what's going on.

    They're just, they're just adjusting the sensors or whatever they're making notes, but they're making notes, but they're not telling you what the notes are.

    Dean: No reinforcement or stimulus.

    Dan: I get to the end of the first session and she looks at me with a big smile and she said that was fantastic. She said I've never seen that before. Yes, she said, I've never seen anyone go through all 40 minutes without this being going out. Now it did blur a little bit, but it never, went black and the sound didn't go up.

    Okay, that was three weeks ago. And then two weeks ago I did it again and it just edged into the black once, even though she had increased the difficulty. She had increased the difficulty just a little bit, went in half a second and then it came back and that was it. And yesterday I went in 40 minutes and no black, no sundown, even though she had increased the difficulty again. She said this is quite exceptional. She said I have not seen this kind of progress being made. I think it's because of the stem cells to my brain, which I will get again the week after next month?

    Dean: Wow, are you still going to osteosteostrong, or is that the place?

    Dan: Yeah, I was in osteostrong yesterday. Yeah, Interesting. I haven't been doing much other work exercise so I've maintained basically where I am with osteostrong and really good. I mean they have a thing called double standard. When I do double standard, I'm strong enough my legs, my arms and everything else. So it means that I haven't lost any strength over the last 14 months. I haven't lost it, which is good, which is very good, and actually I've actually gained strength. I've showed plenty of progress.

    Dean: But so far. I had a nice Zoom with our osteopath friend from London who was in the three years on Intra.

    Dan: Tehira, tehira, tehira, yes.

    Dean: He's very passionate about osteo.

    Dan: Very passionate, yeah, very passionate, yeah. He just needs to do one little mindset change. Is mindset change? Do you want to know what it is? I do, of course. He wants to save the world.

    Dean: Yes, I got that great tune. He wants to save them from something that doesn't present as an imminent danger. It's a chronic long. You don't have any evidence that there's anything wrong, until you fall and break your hip.

    Dan: He's got a limbic obstacle, you hit it on the head.

    Dean: You hit it exactly there. It's so funny that you said he wants to save the world. My advice to him I said we've got to prove evidence. It's so funny because I hadn't heard you go through that exercise. But all the things that he was talking about are left side things. That are the things I was showing. I said to him it's very interesting, but what could you do that would make let's call it that liver puddleans. How could we make headline news that liver puddleans have the strongest bones in the world or that there's eliminated? The downside of this that was something that, if you're going to save the world, you've certainly got to start. I heard that one time Bono from U2. There was a movie called Killing Bono, but for years they would be dubbed as the second best band in Dublin. If your goal is to be the biggest band in the world, you've certainly got to be the biggest band in Dublin.

    If we're going to save all the world from the negative impact of osteo health. How could we start with liver pool and make liver puddleans that help with bones in the world.

    Dan: My attitude is can you do it with one person?

    Dean: First question can you do it with?

    Dan: one person. I said, if you can do it with one person, I think you know 50% of what's needed to do it with 10 people.

    Dean: Then you get to 10.

    Dan: Now you know 50% of what it takes to get 100 people. Just work up your capability and confidence. That way it's a lot easier.

    Dean: That's the scale-ready algorithm. Once you figure out how to do it, once you've got some evidence. But until you do it a second time or for 10, you're so right on. That's how we approach marketing problems.

    Dan: I called the Singapore model. Singapore was a lawless Southeast Asia primed all the criminals within the 1,000 miles of Singapore. This is where they went. They had their warehouses there, they did their deals there, they recruited people. Singapore became independent of Great Britain in 1965.

    It was mainly the work of one family, the Lee family. They're still in charge. It's 60 years down the road and they're still in charge. It's a big harbor, it's one of the better harbors in Southeast Asia. They said let's get together some muscle People who know how to give hard knocks to hard people. They went in and they said in the first six months we cleared the entire block that surrounds on land, the block of houses and buildings that surround the harbor. At the end of six months they're crime-free.

    They did it Not without pushback but they overcame the pushback. Then they said over the next six months, let's clear two blocks in from what we've already achieved.

    Dean: They did Now they had three blocks.

    Dan: This was the most important real estate from a commercial standpoint in Singapore. Then they said now we're going to go four more blocks in. By the end of the next six months we'll have seven blocks. The criminals all got the message and left the city.

    Dean: Wow, that's pretty amazing. Yeah, that's the wisdom right Is getting it into the thing of one.

    Dan: Get a foothold that you can learn from.

    Dean: Yes, I agree.

    Dan: Yeah, I think that saving the world First of all, I don't even know what the world is. I don't know what saving. That means I wouldn't know where to start. I wouldn't know how to keep score. When do I actually get to be happy?

    Dean: Yes, so amazing. I love it. I can't believe it's been an hour, but this was fantastic yeah.

    Dan: I'll be just arriving Next week. I'll just be arriving and playing this series. It'll be the wheel. I'll just see Becca, because we're time difference, two hour time difference. Let's see if we can sneak one in during the week.

    Dean: Okay, I'll never no no.

    Dan: Dean and Dan, don't do sneaking. No, that's exactly right.

    Dean: I'll leave it in tension.

    Dan: Becca will be with us. We take Becca with us, so Becca will do it. I just do it right at the Four Seasons Hotel and playing this series. Okay, no, anyway great to chat.

    Dean: Okay, dan, I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

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