Two weeks gone, and we still know next to nothing about just WTF IS GOING ON. The Chargers and Cardinals are undefeated, while the Saints are winless and the Green Bay offense looks borderline pedestrian. Up is down, down is up — it’s just like the first two weeks of every NFL season ever, and we’re loving every minute of it, Lunatics. This week’s show is jam packed, as we weigh in on Greg Schiano, the ignorance of these replacement refs, and the passing of one of the greatest influences on football as we know it, Steve Sabol. HOUSE and You F*cking Suck are back in full effect, as is our first regular season edition of Busted! Finally, we close out as we usually do, with our Week 2 picks, although I wouldn’t listen to The Danchise’s advice on those. He’s been terrible the first two weeks. Fantasy updates, HOUSE video and You F*cking Suck posts will all be up at by Thursday.
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