French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

FV 098 : Life of a make-up artist

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Stephanie is a professional make-up artist from France, now living in Melbourne Australia. She’s been fascinated by make-up her whole life. We’ll talk about how she became a make-up artist and where she studied and worked. You’ll get an interesting insight of how make-up trends evolved through the ages and what the modern Australian trend looks like today, according to Stephanie. You’ll see that social media are a major factor influencing what women want to look like! Stephanie specialises in special occasion make-up aa well as theatrical, dramatic make-up…the perfect solution to look spooky for Halloween! Find out how Stephanie keeps learning new techniques and training herself. Her work is a great mix between creativity and technique! Stephanie will also talk about henna, which she also loves. What sparked her interest for henna? And by the way, what is henna? Listen to find out! Last but not least, Stephanie will share her top tip to obtain great results with your daily make-up!

Vocab List

(se) maquiller = to make up (oneself)

chouchou (n, adj) = pet ; favourite
cicatrice (nf) = scar
cil (nm) = eyelash
esthéticien/ne = beauty therapist, beautician
fard à paupière (m) = eyeshadow
fond de teint (nm) = foundation
gommer (v) = to erase
henné (nm) = henna
lèvre (nf) = lip
maquillage (nm) = make-up
maquilleur/euse professionel/le = make up artist
moulu, e (adj, past participle from “moudre”) = milled, ground
paupière (nf) = eyelid
perruque (nf) = wig
poche à douille (nf) = piping bag
postiche (nm) = hair piece, postiche
saillant,e (adj) = protruding, prominent
sourcil (nm) = eyebrow
teint (nm) = complexion (skin colour)

  1. True or false? Stephanie comes from Geneva, Switzerland.
  2. Apart from the make-up, what does Stephanie need to be able to do?
  3. What is Stephanie’s top tip for a great make-up?
  4. Answers:
    1. She studied in Geneva but is from Lyon (France)
    2. She needs to be able to work with haire (hairstyling, not haircut) – wigs, hair pieces, etc.
    3. Prepare your skin well. It needs to be clean. Use a good serum and a good day cream.
    4. Links & Resources
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        French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French CultureBy Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way

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