French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

FV 101 : (Part 1) Speech therapy: from child language development to stroke recovery

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Meet Carole, a French speech therapist (“orthophoniste”). Carole will define what speech therapy covers and you may be surprised to find out that it is MUCH more than you may have thought! How did Carole choose to become a speech therapist, and how do you even become one? These are the questions we’ll answer first. We’ll also discuss the difference between clients (customers) and patients, and how a simple choice of word may impact the way we treat people. We’ll then start tackling the different fields that Carole specialises in, starting to issues related to speech and language among children. One of many interesting points made during the episode about vocabulary is the difference between the French words “langue” and “langage” – both translated by “language” in English. We’ll also talk about the written language (reading and writing components): how can they be addressed in speech therapy?

Vocab List

admissible (adj) = eligible

cabinet (nm) = clinic, office, consulting room
concours (nm) = competitive exam
confrère, consoeur (n) = fellow colleague
conseiller d’orientation (nm) = career advicer
d’affilée = in a row
déchiffrage = decoding, deciphering
déglutition (nf) = swallowing, deglutition
orthophoniste (n) = speech therapist
otite (nf) = ear infection
prépa (nf) = preparatory class
sous-jacent(e) (adj) = underlying, implicit
surdité (nf) = deafness, hearing loss
tiquer = make react, make twitch, raise eyebrows
tympan (nm) = eardrum

  1. True or false? As per the etymology of the word, speech therapy exclusively focuses on re-educating the audio/oral components of speech difficulties.
  2. Give 4 examples of factors that may slow down the development of speech and language in children.
  3. At the end of the episode, what do I compare Carole’s work with?
  4. Answers:
    1. Today, speech pathology deals with everything that involves communication in the broad sense of the term.
    2. Parents not talking enough to the child because they’re too busy or there are many other siblings; too much screen time, too little exposure to books. Ear infections.
    3. A mix of being a doctor and a private teacher.
    4. Did you like this podcast? You can support my work by leaving a review on iTunes. Your kind words warm my heart and also help me be found by more passionate learners of French. Merci beaucoup!

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      French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French CultureBy Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way

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