French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

FV 102 : (Part 2) Speech therapy: from child language development to stroke recovery

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This is the second part of my conversation with Carole, a French speech therapist. This episode’s topics include: How do French schools currently teach children reading? Swallowing issues: what are they? Re-educating the voice and learning proper vocal hygiene so as not to strain it. How does Carole find her patients? “My 21-month old doesn’t talk: is this an issue?”. We’ll also discuss the paradoxical issue of insane waiting lists to see a speech therapist and the shortage of professionals. Finally, we’ll mention a few differences in the phonetic system and stress pattern of the English and French languages and you’ll hear Carole’s top tip to improve your French pronunciation!

Vocab List

annuaire (nm) = directory, phone book

appareil dentaire (nm) = dentures, braces
AVC (nm) = stroke
chuchoter = to whisper
déglutition (nf) = swallowing, deglutition
dramatique (adj) = tragic, terrible
extinction de voix (nf) = voice loss, aphonia
petite section (nf) = (first year of preschool)
rauque (adj) = hoarse, husky; croacky
remettre en cause = to question
sucer = to suck, to suck on
traumatisme crânien (nm) = head injury, head trauma

  1. What can make teeth to be misaligned?
  2. If you lose your voice, what should you avoid doing?
  3. In the French island of La Réunion, how long can the waiting list to see a speech therapist be?
  4. Answers:
    1. Incorrect tongue position, where tongue presses against the teeth.
    2. Avoid whispering (however counter-intuitive that may be!)
    3. Wait can be over 2 years!
    4. Links & Resources
      • “How to sound like a native French speaker ” (my online course):
      • Did you like this podcast? You can support my work by leaving a review on iTunes. Your kind words warm my heart and also help me be found by more passionate learners of French. Merci beaucoup!

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        French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French CultureBy Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way

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