French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

FV 104 : (Part 2) Learn about Emotional Freedom Technique with Sebastien

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This is the second part of a fascinating conversation with my uncle Sébastien! I heard that he was changing career and had become passionate about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). That was enough to trigger my curiosity and want to find out more about the story behind this change, and more about what EFT is about. Emotional Freedom Technique, which belongs to the field of energetic psychology, is an alternative treatment / form of counselling for both physical and emotional pain. It is said to be very efficient to help with anxiety, trauma, phobias. Many different techniques can apply to treat a patient with EFT, including tapping (stimulating meridians on our body to send new signals to our brain), hypnosis, NeuroLinguistic Programming, matrix reprogramming (visiting and talking to oneself as a child). We’ll talk about the relationship between the patient and therapist and the mandatory trust between them both. You may also be surprised to find out that there may actually be (subconscious) secondary benefits to a person’s ailments. You’ll learn how the therapist can use a type of lie detector to be aware of this resistance!

Vocab List

cobaye (n) = guinea pig

enfance (nf) = childhood
faire confiance (à qn) = to trust (sb)
fausse couche (nf) = miscarriage
guérir = to cure, to heal
handicapant,e (adj) = incapacitating, crippling
humeur (nf) = mood
inconscient (nm) = subconscious
lâcher = to give way, to let go
mensonge (nm) = lie
pleine conscience (nf) = mindfulness
se rendre compte (de qch) = to realise (sth)
TOC (nm) = OCD

  1. What is often explaining OCD behaviours?
  2. What’s the name for the future occupation of my uncle?
  3. What percentage of conscious and subconscious is driving us?
  4. Answers:
    1. Issues with secure attachment as a very young child (especially with the mother)
    2. Psychopracticien
    3. Only 5% of our actions and thoughts are conscious. 95% is subconscious!
    4. Links & Resources
      • Démonstration d’EFT par Jean-Michel Gurret (YouTube) :
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        French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French CultureBy Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way

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