French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

FV 110 INTERVIEW: Working as an interpreter (Part 1)

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Aurélie is an interpreter who is part of l’Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence (AIIC). In this episode, find out about her background and what led her to become an interpreter. We’ll also talk about how you get trained to learn to translate in real time and the different types of translations.

If you love everything about languages, don’t miss this fascinating interview!

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Vocab List

cabine (nf) = booth

chuchoter = to whisper
confiance en soi (nf) = self confidence
CP / Cours Prépqrqtoire (nm) = (first year of primary school)
discours (nm) = speech
écouteurs (nm) = headphones
fidèle (nm) = faithful, true
former quelqu’un = to train someone
francophone (n, adj) = French-speaker, French-speaking
grande section (nf) = (last year of prep school / kinder)
hispanophone (n, adj) = Spanish-speaker, Spanish-speaking
Il n’en demeure pas moins que… = the fact remains that…
interprète (n) = interpreter
interrompre = to interrupt
niveau de langue (nm) = register, level of language
résumé (nm) = summary
support (nm) = the media, fomat, material
tournure (nf) = structure, construction (of sentence, expression)
traducteur, -trice (n) = translator
traduction (nf) = translation

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French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French CultureBy Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way

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