French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

FV 112 INTERVIEW: Copying master painters at the Louvre

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Did you know you can get free access at the Louvre museum for a chance study and copy some of the masterpieces exhibited there? Gilles Malezieux is an artist who has copied many paintings in the largest and most famous museum of the world. As he will guide you through the application process and rules to get access to the Louvre, you’ll learn some interesting facts about how the museum operates. We’ll also discuss the differences between a copy and a fake, and the strict rules around the work of a copyist!

This is the first part of a two-episode conversation with Gilles.

Visit Gilles’s website

Vocab List

à la commande = upon order, to order

appréhender = to comprehend, grasp, understand
artisan = craftsperson
chevalet (nm) = easel
coefficient (nm) = coefficient, mulpiplying factor
déjanté,e (adj) = crazy, mad, nutty
faire ses armes = to earn your stripes
faussaire (nm) = forger, counterfeiter
format (nm) = size, format
justificatif de domicile (nm) = proof of address
lambda = average, ordinary, regular
maître (nm) = master
quadrillage (nm) = quartering, grid pattern
tabouret (nm) = stool

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French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French CultureBy Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way

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