Hi friends! Today we’re talking about how goats adapt to winter weather, things you can do to help them thrive in winter, and some things you shouldn’t do that seem helpful, but end up being problematic. We’ll talk about winter coats and shelters, and how other animals compare in their ability to tolerate cold and snow. In ranch-terms, we use the word “winter” to not only indicate the season but as a term to indicate how an animal performed through the winter. You’ll hear phrases like “How did they winter? Are the cattle wintering well?” and “That goat wintered well!” meaning she might be a little on the chubby side. Let’s get to it!
Charlotte Smith’s Farm Marketing Program
03 | Ready for Goats! 4 Steps to Help You Confidently Shop for and Purchase Your First Goats
28 | Winter Feed for Livestock/ Calculate How Much Hay You Need and a Strategy Save Money
31 | Are Winter Heat Lamps Bad for Chickens? How to Prepare Your Flock for a Comfortable Winter
35 | Winter Hay Feeding Evaluation: Meeting Nutritional Requirements of Goats and Reducing Hay Waste
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