We all need a break sometimes - but we can also exaggerate what that break looks like. We often fantasize of going away for months on end, leaving the stressors of our minds eye alone as we drift onto an abandoned beach in the middle of the tropics.
A lot of the time, though, we don't need to travel thousands of miles to really "get a break". We can get a break just by closing our eyes, taking some deep breaths, and refocusing ourselves.
In today's Body Scan, Sensei Keith comes at you live from the Beach for the first time - a special occassion, given the amount of references to the beach in his Body Scan!
Join Sensei Keith as he takes you through a Body Scan โ A Martial Arts Meditation Technique that teaches you to relax each and every part of your body separately, letting them fade, and allowing our mind to follow.ย
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