In an increasingly interconnected world, we risk losing touch with the roots of our local communities. We’ve traded face-to-face mentorship and the wisdom of our elders for fleeting digital interactions and virtual acquaintances, while also creating a uniform education system. Nicholas Ellis, Founder of Christian Halls, is on a mission to change that. Through his program, he fosters local mentorships and engagement. By pairing youth with seasoned, knowledgeable advisors, Christian Halls helps to create thriving relationships that will positively impact communities, be rooted in trust, and foster shared experiences and generational wisdom. Join HSLDA President and host, Jim Mason, for an inspiring conversation with Nicholas about higher education and the vital role of passing wisdom from one generation to the next generation. “We've never had a generation that has more access to content and data in the history of the world. Data access, knowledge—access is no longer our problem. And so why, when we look around, do we see foolishness everywhere that we look? I think that a lot of that is coming down to vacating our communities—the natural, multi-generational transfer of wisdom from one generation to the next, by basically sidelining our elders. Our professional structures prefer that the retired elder community not be involved because they frankly take away [time] from that next 35-year-old PhD that's coming up through the system. Our model says that they are the absolute gold of our communities”—Nicholas Ellis