A devoted single mum-of-three, Simone O’Brien, then 37, was looking for love. She’d been divorced amicably from her ex, the kids’ dad Trevor, for more than four years. But, working two jobs to make ends meet, and ferrying her kids between school, basketball and playdates didn’t leave much time for romance. So, she decided to try online dating.
Meeting a successful 42-year-old real estate agent named Glenn Cable, they hit it off and went out on a date. Their relationship quickly grew. A perfect gentleman, Glenn showered Simone with compliments and flowers, and he was great with her kids, especially Simone's youngest, Zac. But was he too good to be true?
Soon, red flags began to appear, and Simone decided to call off the relationship. She thought she'd never see Glenn again. But she was wrong. He was about to reveal his true colours...
Interviewer/scriptwriter/host: Beth Young
Producer: Jake Taylor
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.