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Título: ¿Sabes algo sobre insectos? [Do You Know About Insects?]
Autor: Buffy Silverman
Narrador: Intuitive
Formato: Unabridged
Duración: 6 mins
Idioma: Español
Fecha de publicación: 06-14-17
Editor: Lerner Publishing Group
Categorías: Kids, Ages 5-7
Resumen del editor:
What do a bee, a butterfly, and an ant have in common? They're all insects! Learn about the characteristics that all insects share.
Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.
Opiniones de los miembros:
Muy bien ilustrado y colorido!
Es un libro que llama la atencion a los pequenios por sus colores e informacion basica y sencilla de entender. Lindo libro.
This is a fun, fascinating look at insects the young reader will enjoy ...
You may have seen a moon butterfly fly around at night, but you've probably also seen a flea jump onto a dog. Both of these creatures are insects. The scarab beetle is also an insect. Just how do you know that they are insects? "Los insectos son animales con seis patas." If you take a close look at the wasp in the photograph you might be able to see a few interesting things. The hard outer part of his body is called the exoskeleton. It helps protect it from being easily crushed. "El cuerpo de un insecto adulto tiene tres principales." There is the head, chest and abdomen. Can you tell where they are on the wasp? Check out that mantis and the grasshopper. "El saltamontes mueve las larga ys delgada antenas de su cabeza." They are at the top of its head and he can sense things with them.
If you look at the chest of an insect you can see that the wings and legs are part of it. "Los insectos usan sus alas y patas para moverse." The funny little leafhopper looks just like a thorn on a stem and you have to look closely to see him. Another interesting thing to know is that insect breathe through little openings on their chest and abdomen. In an amazing picture you can actually see these openings! Honey bees have stingers to protect themselves. "¡Cuidado con el aguijon de la abeja!" You'll also learn about the life cycle of insects, how giant water bugs lay their eggs, you'll learn about nymphs, what insects eat, how they grow and shed exoskeletons, how different insects grow, their habitats, and you'll learn many other interesting things about insects. "¿ Dónde puedes econtrar insectos?"
This is a fun, fascinating look at insects the young reader will enjoy. This is the Spanish edition, but can be shared by all in the homeschool or classroom setting. Confident readers can tackle this beginning nonfiction book with ease while the newly independent readers can work through this chapter book with a bit of assistance. The layout is vibrant and there are full-color photographs of each insect being discussed. There are captions that add additional information. For example, when we take a look at a grasshopper we learn that "El saltamontes mueve las antenas." This is one in the series, Conoce los grupos de animales. In the back of the book is an index, a glossary, and additional recommended book and website resources to explore.
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This book courtesy of the publisher.