Listen to episode 985 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Cultivating the Power of Imagination. Edited and adapted from Secrets of Mental Supremacy by W. R. C. LATSON, published in 1913.
Inspirational Podcast Transcript:The imagination requires more than mere perception. The things perceived must be remembered. A thing that we have forgotten — lost out of the conscious mind — cannot be used as material for an act of imagination.
The things perceived and remembered must be grouped and associated into clusters; so that when we wish to imagine a certain picture, we will have a vast amount of material in our mind from which to select materials for that picture.
In cultivating the power of imagination, then, we must begin by educating perception, memory, and association — for (and here is my definition of imagination) imagination is merely a combination of perception, memory, and association with initiative: with will.
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