Welcome to the Ultimate Biohack of your skeletal system, Yep you heard me right. 33 minutes long but if you want to skip around here are some important spots:
14:00 My experience at Osteostrong
15:00 My visit to Acupunture Dr Chun Lee located in Gainesville VA
18:00 Detailed energy points discussion
21:00 What the Ashburn OsteoStrong location had that made me go
22:00 PMF MAT - what it is and how it can help you
25:00 Hydro Massage Bed - my experience and what it does
28:00 The Morning After my first OsteoStrong visit
In this episode, I detail what made me research this biohack, biohack by the way is the natural non-suppliment way of extending your life, your health and your physical existence on this earth.
I talk about my experience going to OsteoStrong, what it is for, how it will help me live to 120 as long as I keep other things in mind...so why live to 120? because I just decided that, why not 130...I don't know!! I am only 47, so that is 73 more years of living, making money, influencing people's lives and living a full life so ....one step at a time right!
I am all into biohacking, finding ways (outside of supplementation) to live longer and healthier and this one intrigued me, not to mention my good friend Tony Robbins is partnered globally with this company so I had to find out more! So what is OsteoStrong, where can YOU find a location near you and what the heck is it all about?
You find out everything, all my research, how it can improve your body, health and wellness and what it can't do! Look out for my entire video on my experience where I show you how I went through the machines, what they do and how they work, but until them, listen to this very detailed story of what brought me to find out more about it!
If there is any topic, health or fitness related that you want to me explore, research or try out first NAME IT! I will do it and share feedback on it, in podcast and video format.
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