Join Sarah and Reeta Pohjonen on a magical journey of discussing Homeopathy, being a mother of 4, Shamanism, Shiatsu, Astrosophy and supporting our children. Reeta is a mother of 4, Principal of the Homeopathy School Helsinki, Shaman, Alchemist, Astrologer, 3 Principles Facilitator, Shiatsu therapist, Yoga teacher, Sailor, Whirling Sufi. SHe is also starting the Sacred Source School with Janey Lavelle. Reeta was born in Samiland during the midnight sun and full moon with many planets in Gemini in Northern Finland. Her last name means the North, and she also grew up under the African vast skies in Tanzania and Ethiopia. Becomin pregnant at 21 years old with her son Amadeus, intitiated Reeta in her path as a birth activist, Healer, Homeopath and a humble servant to the Divine Feminine. Women of all ages are her devotion.