In this episode I chat with the charismatic Quantum Marie, a psychic intuitive card reader and self-love/confidence coach who has a powerhouse mind of esoteric knowledge, lost truths and ancient wisdom. She's not scared of dropping an F (or c) bomb so you can't say you haven't been warned!
We cover so many vast subjects from why raising your vibration can sometimes feel like anxiety and the power of thought. We go on to discuss how the Great Awakening and the Great Reset are coming together, the reintegration of science, sacred geometry, DMT and the holographic universe. Quantum Marie also shares her thoughts on future timelines and why 2024 and 2030 may be pivotal shifts. We touch on Tartaria, The American Great Expositions and World Trade Fairs, why some people can't accept the reality of the current situation, homeschooling, protests and how we can reconcile being prepared while keeping our vibrations high.
We discuss Quantum Marie's ability to feel energy, and why she allowed fear to shut off her abilities when she was younger. She shares her past life regressions including what it was like to be pure consciousness.
You can connect with Quantum Marie on Instagram here:
Quantum Marie's website
Quantum Marie's YouTube channel
Nassim Haramein's IG page
Intro music: Buddha by Kontekst