Welcome back to Labia Inc.! In today’s episode, I will be sharing with you an oracle card and astrological chart reading featuring my friends Katerina, an oracle card reader, and Heather, an astrological chart reader.
Throughout this experience, I was able to learn so much about myself including how the configuration of my planets determine what I’m meant to do and be in my life but also how that determines some of my insecurities. As a fiery Aries rising, this reading helped me break down how I identify with the archetype of this astrological sign including my process of starting projects, the lens through which I view the world, and how I am more emotionally intuitive. We also discussed my early relationship with my mother and father and how this relates to the position of the sun and the moon at my time of birth, which falls within the Pisces time frame. As a Pisces, I have a very strong imagination and this has definitely saved me during some difficult times in my life. Last but not least, Heather, Kat, and I touched on my anxieties around communicating with others and how I’m working on speaking out against injustice.
Keep listening to hear how this reading allowed me to reflect back on my life and what an oracle card and astrological chart reading could sound like for you!
Katerina’s Instagram: @ekaterinaempower
Heather’s Instagram: @reallifeastrology