You have so much going on: juggling schedules, housework, health, drinking water, and so much more!
It can be difficult to keep all these things straight and in the forefront of your mind.
The easiest way to keep your goals and who you want to become on the top of your mind is to simplify it! Pick 1 word that you want to describe your next year.
Whenever you feel like you are wavering or forced with a difficult decision, come back to your guiding word.
Somee examples:
abundance, bold, calm, challenge, dedicated, dream, empower, forgiveness, grace, gratitude, integrity, joy, kind, mindful, nurture, persistence, play, relationships, service, teach, whole, yes.
For 2023 I'm choosing focused. Whatever I am working on, or whomever I am with at the time I will be focused on that.
What is your word?
IG -@MeghanQBarrett