Hello Metafizzical Life listeners!
May is Mental Health Awareness month in Canada, I wanted to bring attention to how important it is to manage emotional, psychological and social well-being of mental health. It is time to normalize mental health disorders such as depression, bipolar, anxiety, personality, and psychotic. Not being in a right state of mind can affect the way you think, act, feel and how you manage stress.
Manage your mental health with this incredibly powerful healing episode. This episode includes Sama Vritti Breatwork technique. Equal breathing or Box breathing. 5-5-5-5 Inhale for 5 counts, Hold the breath for 5 counts, Exhale for 5 counts and Hold for 5 counts. Repeated for 5 cycles. Deeply relax with a guided visualization meditation accompanied with distance reiki. Travel to a past life or future life journey.
It's okay to not be okay. But you do not need to suffer alone. I hope this episode can be a part of your healing journey. This episode is not meant to replace medical treatment. Please be advised to reach out for professional help if you require additional therapy.
You are important! The world needs you!
Thank You for listening :)
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