Hello and welcome back to another episode of Moment Of Silence. This week's episode throws light upon the everyday lives of our hosts, the inescapable doom of feeling stuck in our phones, criticizing ourselves, the very normal yet vulnerable feeling that occasionally hits everyone like a big wave of saddies and discussing career options for women. (The girls got range.) This week's episode is sponsored by That Friday Feeling! With their portable size packaging, 50 SPF and shimmery undertones, it makes it the perfect travel and going out accessory. Click the link below to explore more- https://www.fridayfeeling.co/
Follow MoS on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/momentofsil...
Follow the hosts personal accounts too!
Sakshi Shivdasani- https://www.instagram.com/sakshishivd...
Naina Bhan- https://www.instagram.com/nainabee/?h...
Thanks for being here, new episode out every Friday.
Love, MoS ❤️
0:00 intro
1:45 does venting on the pod help
2:33 matka jeans
3:18 flashing the calisthenics people
4:10 the issues people have with us
5:10 being hot is a mental thing
8:04 sakshi therapizes naina
10:39 2021 vs 2024 progress
11:34 gym and sunscreen helps
15:42 talking about crying gets people crying
17:42 crying in the studio
18:57 crying on stage
21:13 unfamiliar embarrassing sports
23:29 im just a testosterone charged girl
25:03 lets talk crying
26:05 silliest reasons we cried about
26:31 dont pass js pass your vitamins
27:29 standup or journalling
30:29 fridays of DELIVERY
32:22 Can we please have someone to organise our brain ?
33:47 an honest rant about brands
37:25 alternate jobs women could have
48:29 shady situtations game segment