You're beginning your intuitive eating or balanced eating journey... and you have SO MANY questions!
"How do I stop eating at a comfortable point?"
"How do I eat my craving without going overboard?"
"I am super stressed lately, how do I stop emotional eating?"
"How do I stop eating out of boredom?"
"I'm going out to eat tonight! HELP!"
"How am I supposed to eat my dessert when I hate how my body looks?"
"Can I still want weight loss to happen?"
"How do I stop eating sweets at night?!"
If you're struggling with a challenging thought, my clients have also struggled with it. All of your questions are answered here, through these handpicked, LIVE recordings of my replies to some of the trickiest and toughest questions you have about allowing all foods to fit in amounts that feel good to you.
In this episode, you'll also learn...
Mindful eating tipsHow to deal with a stressor instead of reaching for foodMy lotion trick to help heal your body image 😉Ending emotional /stress eatingWhat to watch out for when starting this journeyWhat to do about sweets at nightPseudo PermissionWhat to do when you can't satisfy a cravingSHOW NOTES & RESOURCES:
📽️ Get the Taste of Food Freedom Workshop and Learn the 5 Steps to Food Freedom! *Includes live workshop replay and workbook to get you started on your journey!📝 Download my FREE Plate-Building Template and gain access to my plate-building formula, balanced meal ideas, and meal-planning template!☎️ Schedule your free, private Discovery Call and see what it would be like to Work with Me!🥳 Join the Intuitively Strong Party on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok✅ Get Intuitively Strong Resources at your fingertips!