The contestants who make it through to the live shows live together in a shared house. Chi Chi hears tales of long days, press stories, painful teeth whitening, and a sense of nervous anticipation.
Join Chi Chi Izundu as she looks back on the world of The X Factor, where contestants perform in front of celebrity judges to realise their dream of becoming household names. It’s a world of glamour and excitement, but also of hard truths, hard words and hard work.
Offstage: Inside The X Factor captures the emotion, the excitement and the drama of the show and features some of the captivating characters that led to its enduring success. But it also looks beyond the glitz and glamour revealing how contestants and staff felt, the toll it took on some of them and what they say happened behind the scenes.
Presenter: Chi Chi Izundu
Producers: Rob Brown, Jo Adnitt, Lucy Burns, Joe Kent
Editor: Clare Fordham
Production Co-ordinator: Gemma Ashman
The X Factor series 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16 (Fremantle/Syco/ITV)
Youtube/wearebelleamie (2010)