In this episode, we will practice some breathing techniques to help us rid ourselves of energies such as anger, frustration, stress, and anything that can cause us issues if not channeled and expressed healthily. It is okay to feel weak or have moments of weakness because that is how we learn from ourselves. It is important for us to channel these feelings we tend to harbor inside us and let them out through breathing and believing in the energy within us. Some of these affirmations are repeated from previous episodes, but these are all ones that should be repeated daily because we must combat our negative thoughts or emotions by speaking positivity into existence. Ever wonder why bad things always happen? Do you listen to how you're speaking about your experiences or situations? There's always a lesson to be learned and sometimes it's just hard for us to admit the truth, but only you can do that for yourself. Only you know of your capabilities truly.
Please reach out to me if you ever need to vent, need advice, or just someone to yell your frustrations at. You can find me on Instagram at @teppsssr or voice message me through the app.