This week, we answer all your burning questions. Here are a list of questions we answer so you can skip to the most interesting parts to you!
What was your biggest challenge postpartum and how did you navigate it? (Talk about postpartum with first kid & second?
How did your relationship with your partner change postpartum?
Has anyone you know needed medication postpartum for anxiety or depression? Did it help?
Do you ever get the “when are you trying for a girl q” and how do you handle it (so annoying)
Advice for soon to be single mom?
I feel frozen in groundhog day, any suggestions for breaking that cycle?
Post natal weight loss.. How to get it off?
Weight loss??? I cant lose a pound and i strength train and do daily walks and a clean diet??
How did you make sex not hurt after giving birth?
How long will it take for my vagina to snap back to where it was before birth?
If baby breastfeeds when do i pump? Or when to use the hakka? Other boob or both?
Jessie why did you hate pumping?
When did you have your first drink after baby? Do you believe in pump and dump?Instagram: @pregnantbitchez
YouTube: Pregnant Bitchez
Resources & Guides: Pregnant Bitchez