You may have heard this term used before, especially surrounding money and finance, but today, I explain what a sunk cost is in terms of psychology. What is a sunk cost? Some examples to further explain how it happens in everyday life, why we ignore the sunk cost and how can we fix it? I answer all of these questions in todays episode. If this is something you're interested in then have a listen and see if there's something new you can learn.
Thank you so much for listening, I truly started this podcast with the idea that no one would listen and it's overwhelming how much encouragement and support I have received. If you did enjoy this episode please let me know by sending me a message on Instagram @progressnotperfection_pod and follow me there as well if you want to know what episodes I have coming up or you want to have a say in what I talk about or who I talk to. As this podcast is still a newborn, please subscribe on apple podcasts and leave me a rating and review as well, or if your preferred platform is Spotify, click follow so you don't miss out when I upload the next episode. These things really help me reach more people and spread the simple message of striving for progress not perfection.
Intagram: @progressnotperfect_pod (
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