We dive into Matthew’s journey into figuring out and discovering his self-worth. During his struggles with mental health, Matthew associated his self-worth based on achievements. He thought if you could not achieve anything, you’re practically not worth anything.
Through his music, Matthew expresses himself as an artist and as a channel to express his emotions. Music and inner-child work has helped him a lot in his journey to healing.
[00:01 – 09:24] Opening Segment
- Matthew talks about his background
- Matthew speaks about his struggles with mental health and trauma
- His self-worth become dependent on achievements
- Falling into Depression that started in his high school years
[09:25 – 15:58] Accepting Your Trauma
- Matthew on recognizing his trauma and taking action against it
- Matthew shares tips that helped him during his darkest days
[15:59 – 23:30] Inner-Child Work
- Exploring your inner-child to help in healing trauma and self-acceptance
[23:31 – 27:34] Support System
- Matthew talks about the support system he had in his journey
[27:35 – 34:24] Closing Segment
- Matthew shares how it feels revisiting his trauma
- Matthew’s view on sharing “your story”
- Get in touch with Matthew. See below for links.
- Matthew’s advice for his younger self
Tweetable Quotes:
“We’re not supposed to be in a dark place all the time. Mental health-focused stuff and healing-oriented stuff is very important.” – Matthew Babineaux
“Everything that people have inside them that they’re ashamed of is actually something that needs to be harnessed for good, needs to be understood.” – Matthew Babineaux
“There are ways for us to tell our story where we don’t have to give every single detail, but we can also have just enough to be able to inspire somebody.” – Matthew Babineaux
Follow Matthew on Instagram and Twitch @zbabsmusic
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***DISCLAIMER***: A fair warning, topics may include triggering content regarding mental health, such as talks about depression, self-harm, or even suicide. We are not specialists or advisers, use content at your own risk because the information on Real People, Honest Talks are based on personal experiences and the ideas should not be considered professional advice. P.A.V.E is not responsible and does not verify for accuracy any of the information contained in these podcasts available for listening on this site. The primary purpose of these podcasts is to raise awareness, educate and inform. This podcast does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.