Join #psyched podcast as we speak with our NASP president!
Andrea Clyne, PhD, LP, is President of the National Association of School Psychologists (2023–2024) and a licensed school psychologist with over 30 years of experience as a school-based practitioner in Colorado. Andrea has spent many years working with her educator colleagues to advance safe and welcoming school environments, equitable practices, and multitiered systems of support (MTSS). Her leadership experiences include serving as district lead school psychologist; leading her school’s special education, PBIS, and MTSS teams; and serving on her district MTSS team. Advocating at the school, district, state, and national levels has reinforced her beliefs that change is possible, that everyone can be a change agent, and that building relationships is critical to success. Active in her state association leadership for 20 years, Andrea developed a passion for promoting the comprehensive school psychologist training and role. Andrea has also maintained a clinical practice, providing evaluations and psychotherapy for children, teens, and their parents. Before becoming NASP President, Andrea served for nearly a decade in NASP leadership in various roles, including as Colorado Delegate, NASP Practice Model Committee Chair, 2020 Practice Model Revision Writing Team Lead (as part of NASP’s 2020 Professional Standards revision), Western Delegate Representative, and President-Elect on the NASP Board of Directors. Throughout her presidency, Andrea hopes to shine a light on school psychologists’ important role as champions on behalf of students and for improving school and community systems to enable all students to thrive. In addition to her professional interests, Andrea loves music, reading, hiking, dancing, and spending time with her husband, daughters, family, and friends.