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By Simulcast Podcast
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The podcast currently has 198 episodes available.
In situ sim and latent safety threats, psychological safety ecosystems, reclaiming professional identity through simulation, and simulating Mt Everest expeditions. Another great month on Simulcast.
The articles (with links): -
Grace MA, O'Malley R. Using In Situ Simulation to Identify Latent Safety Threats in Emergency Medicine: A Systematic Review. Simul Healthc. 2024 Aug 1;19(4):243-253
Eller S, Vlasses F, Horsley T, Connor J. Simulation psychological safety ecosystem: using constructivist grounded theory to explore nurses’ experiences with prelicensure simulation. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation. 2024
Smith, S.E., Tallentire, V.R., Doverty, J. et al. Reclaiming identities: exploring the influence of simulation on refugee doctors’ workforce integration. Adv Simul 9, 37 (2024)
Dieckmann, Peter et al. Combining storytelling and a scenario re-enactment of Mt. Everest expeditions to practice cognitive and social skills. Clinical Simulation In Nursing, Volume 96, 101591
Happy listening!
And… Don’t forget Simulation Reconnect is on again
Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Registration here
The articles (with links): -
Godmon, A., Walker, K., & Symon, B. (2024). Hijacking telehealth technology to deliver tele-simulation: outlining the tangible and unanticipated benefits. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation.
Korimbocus, B., Wilson, H., McGuckin, A. et al. ‘Having skin in the game’: guiding principles for incorporating moulage into OSCEs. Adv Simul 9, 34 (2024)
Lorello GR, Hodwitz K, Issenberg SB, Brydges R. Relinquishing control? Supervisor co-regulation may disrupt students' self-regulated learning during simulation-based training. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2024 Mar;29(1):9-25.
Stone KP, Rutman L, Calhoun AW, SQUIRE-SIM (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence for SIMulation): Publication Guidelines for Simulation-Based Quality Improvement Projects. Simul Healthc. 2024 Aug 16.
Happy listening!
And also mentioned on the podcast - Sarah Blissett’s winning article at the AMEE Simulation Journal Club. We loved it too and reviewed on Simulcast back in March. Listen again here!
And… Don’t forget Simulation Reconnect is on again
Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Registration here
We welcomed Erin Carn-Bennet to the podcast for a conversation about her new venture – as coproducer of IPSS- The Podcast
Erin is a Simulation Nurse Educator for Douglas Starship Simulation Programme, Lead host Sim Nurse NZ podcast, Co-founder Sim2Lead, Content Coordinator and Writer for, Nursing Director Med Sim Solutions
The International Paediatric Simulation Society (IPSS) is a global community of multidisciplinary paediatric focused health professionals from over 30 countries, working to improving the care of infants and children worldwide through multi-disciplinary, simulation-based education, training, and research in paediatric simulation
IPSS host a resource rich website, run events and an annual conference. Now they’ve decided to start a podcast! Erin is joined in that venture by Samreen Vora, Christine Bailey, and Elaine Ng.
Erin and Vic talked about the work of IPSS and the aspiration of the podcast to support that mission.
The first episode is out, and you can listen on Spotify here.
Happy listening
Training as imagined?, sim for faster stroke treatment, simulation after key events, Implementing TALK for clinical debriefing. Another great month on Simulcast.
The articles: -
Kerins, J., Ralston, K., Stirling, S.A. et al. Training as imagined? A critical realist analysis of Scotland’s internal medicine simulation programme. Adv Simul 9, 27 (2024)
Ajmi SC, Kurz M, Lindner TW, et al. Does clinical experience influence the effects of team simulation training in stroke thrombolysis? A prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2024;14:e086413
Diaz-Navarro, C., Jones, B., Pugh, G. et al. Improving quality through simulation; developing guidance to design simulation interventions following key events in healthcare. Adv Simul 9, 30 (2024).
Diaz-Navarro C, Enjo-Perez I, Leon-Castelao E, Hadfield A, Nicolas-Arfelis JM, Castro-Rebollo P. Implementation of the TALK© clinical self-debriefing tool in operating theatres: a single-centre interventional study. Br J Anaesth. 2024 Jul 29:S0007-0912(24)00413-6.
And also mentioned on the podcast
The Self Development Module on ‘Introduction to Quality Improvement’
Happy listening!
And… Date Claimers
The Victorian Translational SIMposium
6th September, Melbourne . Details and registration here
Simulation Reconnect is on again
Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Registration here
Taylor, T., Columbus, L., Banner, H. et al. “The patient is awake and we need to stay calm”: reconsidering indirect communication in the face of medical error and professionalism lapses. Adv Simul 9, 17 (2024).
We know that speaking up is good for patient safety, but hard to do, and that training may not be effective in altering behaviour in the face of hierarchy and cultural barriers. In this article, Taryn Taylor and her research team suggest that indirect, subtle challenges are less well understood and may have more value than we’ve appreciated. And maybe patent presence might be an important influence on this behaviour?
Taryn Taylor is an OBGYN and simulation practitioner and researcher. She is assistant professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Western University in London Ontario Canada, a graduate of the Uni Ottawa Simulation Fellowship, and has a PhD in Health Professions Education from Maastricht University. As a researcher, most recently she’s focused on using sociological fidelity in simulation to explore the complex social dynamics in healthcare teams that impact care delivery and patient outcomes.
The article is a methodological masterclass, showing us how to create ‘sociologic fidelity’ to allow research of these complex relational phenomena and how to use this ‘simulation primed elicitation approach’ to collect data.
The findings are unsettling but important! Even in the face of error and lapses in patient safety, the communication remained indirect, subtle, and sometimes non-verbal. Study subjects described quite problematic assumptions about their teams, that we must recognise to advance work in this area.
Taryn helps us get the story behind the study and we reflect on how this might translate to a broader educational agenda.
Happy listening!
Teamwork, EDI, cognitive load, stress testing the cath lab - perennial topics explored in interesting ways. Another great month on Simulcast.
The articles: -
Holgaard, R., Bruun, B., Zingenberg, F. et al. An interview study about how nurses and physicians talk about the same concepts differently. BMC Med Educ 24, 698 (2024).
Mutch, J., Golden, S., Purdy, E. et al. Equity, diversity and inclusion in simulation-based education: constructing a developmental framework for medical educators. Adv Simul 9, 20 (2024).
Wiltrakis, S., Hwu, R., Holmes, S. et al. Debriefer cognitive load during Traditional Reflective Debriefing vs. Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice interdisciplinary team training. Adv Simul 9, 23 (2024)
Jafri FN, et al. Stress Testing the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: A Novel Use of In Situ Simulation to Identify and Mitigate Latent Safety Threats During Acute Airway Management. Simul Healthc. 2024 Apr 1;19(2):75-81.
Happy listening!
And… Date Claimers
The Victorian Translational SIMposium
6th September, Melbourne . Details and registration here
Simulation Reconnect is on again
Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Registration here
Vic and Ben reflect on their time at SESAM 2024 in Prague.
We were pleased to release this episode in conjunction with Laerdal’s One Million lives podcast
SESAM is the Society for Simulation in Europe. Their vision is “improved healthcare through simulation. Enabling safe, patient-centred care delivered by a competent and confident healthcare workforce in a well-functioning healthcare system”. The 2024 conference in Prague drew more than 1000 attendees from 63 countries.
Our highlights included
Next year – SESAM is in Valencia Spain June 2025!
Standards and consensus statements. Sim as ‘start-up’. Faculty development for translational simulation. Another great month on Simulcast.
The articles: -
Cristina Diaz-Navarro, Colette Laws-Chapman, Michael Moneypenny, Makani Purva. The ASPiH Standards – 2023: guiding simulation-based practice in health and care. IJOHS 2024
Diaz-Navarro, C., Armstrong, R., Charnetski, M. et al. Global consensus statement on simulation-based practice in healthcare. Adv Simul 9, 19 (2024).
Szabo, R.A., Molloy, E., Allen, K.J. et al. Leaders’ experiences of embedding a simulation-based education programme in a teaching hospital: an interview study informed by normalisation process theory. Adv Simul 9, 21 (2024).
Sharon Clipperton, Leah McIntosh, Sarah Janssens, Benjamin Symon. Designing a faculty development programme for systems-focused translational simulation. IJOHS 2024
Happy listening!
And… Date Claimer
Simulation Reconnect is on again
Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Registration here
In our latest Advances in Sim collaborative episode, we explore how translational simulation has evolved in the last 6 years. Ben interviews the authors of “Translational simulation revisited: an evolving conceptual model for the contribution of simulation to healthcare quality and safety”, Prof Gabe Reedy and our own Prof Victoria Brazil in order to explore their new paper. Together we discuss how the concepts of Purpose, Process and Conceptual Foundations underpin the strategic design and delivery of projects using translational sim.
Rating and ranking debriefers and debriefing tools. Systematic reviews in simulation. Clinical debriefing. Simulation saving stroke patients. Contributions and transformation from Taiwanese SPs. Another great month on Simulcast.
The articles: -
Guimbarda, N et al. A Comparison of 2 Debriefing Rubrics to Assess Facilitator Adherence to the PEARLS Debriefing Framework. Simulation in Healthcare: April 24, 2024
Phillips EC, et al. Systematic review of clinical debriefing tools: attributes and evidence for use. BMJ Quality & Safety 2024;33:187-198.
Aljuwaiser, S. et al. Evaluating the effects of simulation training on stroke thrombolysis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Adv Simul 9, 11 (2024).
Ho, Yun-Chi et al. Older Taiwanese Volunteers as Standardized Patients: Service Motivation, Identity Formation, and Internal Transformation. Simulation in Healthcare: November 13, 2023
Happy listening!
And… Date Claimer
Simulation Reconnect is on again
Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Details and early registration to be released shortly.
The podcast currently has 198 episodes available.
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