Dr. Kate Shoger is an Orthopedic and Pelvic Health Physical Therapist specializing in helping active women achieve their physical goals, particularly during pregnancy and postpartum. With expertise in both orthopedic and pelvic health, she takes a whole-body approach to care. Dr. Shoger holds a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, is a board-certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, and a Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist. She is certified in the McKenzie Method, integrative dry needling, and has advanced training in TMJ, jaw pain, and pelvic health from leading institutes.
In this episode we talk about:
-Explanation of pelvic health and therapy for those unfamiliar
-Importance of pelvic health awareness for women
-Definitions of overactive (hypertonic) and underactive (hypotonic) pelvic floors.
-Common symptoms and issues associated with both conditions.
-Pelvic Health Across Different Age Groups and Life Stages
-Key considerations for active women to protect their pelvic health
-Recommended exercises and habits to support pelvic health
Suggested exercises and routines to support pelvic health before/during pregnancy
-Tips for preventing issues and maintaining pelvic function.
...and more!
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