What can we learn from whales, the ways they communicate, and how their life cycle affects whole ecosystems, absorbing carbon and helping cool the planet? How have we contributed to the ecological degradation of the environment? How does language influence perception and our relationship to the more than human world?
NAN HAUSER (Whale Researcher; President, Center for Cetacean Research & Conservation) describes how a whale protected her from a tiger shark during an underwater filming session and reflects on their emotional connection.
DAVID FARRIER (Author of Footprints: In Search of Future Fossils) explores the long-term impacts humans have on the environment and the material legacies we leave behind for future generations.
DANA FISHER (Director, Center for Environment, Community, & Equity; Author of Saving Ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action) discusses her "apocalyptic optimism," Significant change is likely to occur in response to extreme risk events that drive mass mobilization.
SIR GEOFF MULGAN Author of Another World is Possible: How to Reignite Social & Political Imagination; Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy & Social Innovation, University College London) on the circular economy and how reusing and recycling can drastically reduce waste and consumption.
LEAH THOMAS (Author of The Intersectional Environmentalist: How to Dismantle Systems of Oppression to Protect People + Planet;) on addressing the environmental injustices faced by marginalized communities.
MAYA VAN ROSSUM (Founder of Green Amendments For The Generations; Author of The Green Amendment: The People's Fight for a Clean, Safe, and Healthy Environment) on the impact of pollution and environmental degradation on human lives.
MICHAEL CRONIN (Author of Eco-Travel: Journeying in the Age of the Anthropocene) argues for horizontal relationships with the environment and the need to recognize the non-human world.
To hear more from each guest, listen to their full interviews.
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