What's the one thing you want more than anything else in your life? Happiness, comfort, or money? Paul says as believers, it should be Jesus. Hear from Keith as he dives into Philippians 3:12-16 and challenges you to seek after Jesus with every new day.
This sermon is part of our 2024 sermon series, Philippians: Experiencing Joy and Peace in Jesus.
How do we find the encouragement and strength to keep going in our faith, even when life is hard? Jesus is the key. Because of him, we can experience a life with God that surpasses all understanding, no matter what circumstances come our way. Find out how you can access the joy and peace Jesus offers as we explore Philippians this fall.
Extend your Sunday morning worship by praying through Philippians all week. Download Simple Prayers from Philippians, a book of guided prayers to accompany the fall 2024 sermon series.
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