Focus Lab's Bill Kenney joins us for an uplifting conversation inspired by their agency's slogan"Proceed with Courage." A perfect mantra to kick off 2021 with a better mindset, by being courageous and optimistic for the coming year! In this episode, we tackle:
Tactical actions for better communication.
Pricing and confidence in asking for more.
Are you being authentic, putting your best foot forward?
How to battle “second-guessing” yourself.
Refreshing your business's collateral, marketing, and website to reflect this.
How do we instill courage with clients?
Helping them make the leap of faith.
The importance of the “intangibles” too.Also, Bill and his team are offering the most amazing offer to our listeners! The entire product line-up of Sidecar assets is available for FREE!
Go to the Sidecar website and use the following discount code for unlimited downloads!
Every single asset... FREE! Go make something great, and be sure to thank Bill and his team for this amazing offer.