Investing in ourselves can be one of the most empowering things we can for our personal and professional growth. When we decide to take the leap and sign up for a training, program, or retreat that is going to help us grow, we're proclaiming to the universe (and ourselves) that we one: know we're worthy of it; and two: trust ourselves to follow through and show up for what we need to do to make our dreams come true.
In this episode I discuss my own personal experience with a sleazy + salesy business coach who showed me exactly how NOT to operate my business, as well as my experience and observations as a service provider who is a witness to the sacred + intimate process that we go through when the time comes to dive deep into self-trust and send over a large payment to someone or something that promises an improvement to our growth and well-being.
In this episode I discuss how we should never push or press anyone to do anything that doesn't feel right for them, especially if they're not in the right mindset, don't have the space in their schedule, or are struggling financially and how by *not* convincing those who aren't ready, we make space for those who are and those who can be fully present with what we're offering.
This by no means is meant to encourage you to not invest in yourself -- quite the opposite, really. I hope you walk away from listening to this episode feeling connected to the truth in your heart, and both inspired and empowered to make the decision that's right for you, whether that means holding off on what you want so that when you do decide to do it (whatever 'it' is) you feel super good about it; OR leaning into the fear that comes right before you take the next steps into your fullest potential.
Either way, I think you'll find that this episode will remind you that as long as you're really listening to your heart, being honest about what you find, and moving in the direction of that truth, that you'll experience a deepened connection to your intuition and an overarching expansion in your consciousness.
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