Leading from the Second Chair with Mike Bonem
Leadership is not just about being in charge. The best leaders know how to use influence and relationships to lead up, down and sideways in order to shape the things they care about.
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What is a second chair leader? "a person in a subordinate role whose influence with others adds value throughout the organization."
Conversation Overview:
- What is a second chair leader?
- Joseph as a biblical example of a second chair leader
- 3 apparent paradoxes of leading from the second chair
- Leader and subordinate
- Deep and wide
- Contentment and dreaming
- "How do we dream, and yet, not get so wrapped up in making my dream happen tomorrow that we lose contentment today?"
- Consider some resistance to leading from the second chair
- Deep change is a process and takes time
About Mike Bonem:
Mike Bonem is a consultant, coach, author, speaker, husband and father. He offers a unique mix of world-class consulting and executive leadership experience to help churches, ministries, and their leaders turn vision into results.
Mike holds an MBA, with distinction, from Harvard Business School. He was a senior manager with McKinsey & Company, one of the world’s leading management consulting firms, and held executive leadership roles in two businesses. He subsequently served over 10 years as the executive pastor of a large Baptist church in Houston.
- https://mikebonem.com/
- The Art of Leading Change by Mike Bonem
- Leading from the Second Chair
- Thriving in the Second Chair
- Leading Congregational Change
- Genesis 37-50
- Jim Collins - https://www.jimcollins.com/
- Leading Change, With a New Preface by the Author by John Kotter